Coming Home Part I

In a large hall that was dark and icy cold,

The stone walls and the high ceiling made it look like a church in the medieval age of Europe. There was a statue of Jesus on the cross at the end of the aisle that led into the room and a large piano setting near it. However, the benches that were supposed to be there on both sides of the aisle were replaced by 7 caskets instead.

Each of those black wooden caskets was decorated in a different color cross from the others. About 5 of them were closed, while the rest were open wide.

Among the silence and the darkness appeared a man sitting on the edge of an opened casket, crossing his legs carefreely. There was a pocketbook in one of his hands and the other was holding a small coffee cup with a saucer floating nearby like there was magic.

“That’s too bad. There's no good writer in the outside world anymore? I've been sleeping for this long, but there still isn’t something good to read to kill this boredom at all.”