Coming Home Part IV

“There, let me see you. Aw, I haven’t seen you in only a while, but you’ve got this much handsome? It’s been a long time since you moved out. And it feels like forever before you come back to visit once in a while. Don't you know that our farm is getting a lot quieter while you are gone?”

“That’s why I come here to visit every year, Mom Yoii.”

Wisana replied Politely, before realizing that there were people who he needed to introduce her to. So, the tall man pushed two women to be in the front.

“Let me introduce; this one is Aunt Yoii. She was my wet nurse for me when I was a baby, so I call her ‘Mom Yoii.’ She's also Uncle Pairoch’s wife as well. Oh, her name might be like this, but she’s still firm and sexy (1), you know.”

“Come on, Na. What are you saying?!”

Auntie Yoii hit his arm once, before turning to accept greetings from the girls, Tunwa, and Nuchjaree whom she was already familiar with.