The Upgraded Nemesis and Major Meeting Part V

“Well, to ignore the fun thing that is right there in front of us is not really like me either. But you might have already known that, since I'm your number one troublemaker anyway, right?”

Everyone laughed at his words. The little joke could loosen up the stress in the room a lot.

“We’re kind of used to that already, Boss. It doesn’t really feel like Nemesis if it’s not chaotic.”

A man with a monocle spoke up right away. He was sitting next to Manoch. And his sentences made everyone laugh.

“Remember when we were out there to get rampaged in the Blood Moor Volcano? I don’t think I've ever experienced anything worse than that day. Boss. I assure you that was the worst day of my life.”

Another lady who looked kind of aged spoke up with endearment in her tone. After that, a girl with short red hair spoke up as well.