Mission of Survival Part II


His last straw was snapped when he managed to drop the girl, who could get on every nerve of his, give him a headache, and drive him crazy in every situation!

Wisana did not have to say anything more to Jinnie and the AI already was following Angie down with the dragon egg in her hands. At the same time, she used magic to make the falling little mage land on the ground as gently as possible.

And the one who was watching them in the sky let out a snorting sound.

“I don’t have anyone to carry anymore. So, it’s just you and me now, you stupid dragon.

He said, glancing at the dragon that was struggling to get up on its feet again. And it was letting out a loud groan continuously because its eyes still felt burned from getting the flash bomb right in the face. After its eyes could focus again, the first thing it saw was this tiny human flying at it fast with the light blue sparks spreading out of his back.

