The Night Before War Part I

“‘Trust me, I've it all calculated,’ huh? Luckily, the result of that did not turn out to be the worst case. But if it did, how could you possibly have handled that? You jerk!!”

A shout came resoundingly from the slim girl who was standing with arms akimbo, ready to argue with everyone. Those light grey eyes looked like they had turned red now. If they could shoot laser beams, some troublesome man in front of them would have been shot by now.

“…But it all turned out fine, didn’t it, Miss?”

The one who was getting scolded poked his index fingers together crestfallenly. His eyes looked down like he felt guilty. However, if anyone else saw this guy in this condition right now, they would probably say the same thing, which was...

Was this really the same guy who had defeated Lord Inferno twice in a row?

“That’s not the point why I'm lecturing you right now, Mister Wisana!”

And the girl snapped once again in a loud voice.