The Night Before War Part VIII

“See, you really love your sister.” She spoke.

Wisana slipped out a laugh at her words.

“Don’t you, too?” He spoke. “You really love your brother that made you talk to me about your concern so straightforwardly like this.”

“Well, yeah.” Valentine smiled sweetly, tilting her head down a little. “You really care about the people around you. And to be honest, I started to be jealous of Miss Maysa now, since you probably take care of her so well.”

Wisana did not say anything but gave her a slight smile. After that, there was silence falling between them for a moment before Valentine let out a long sigh and nodded harshly at Wisana.

“Alright, let’s stop talking about our younger siblings for now.” She smiled widely. “I have another thing to talk about with you, and it’s a very important one as well.”

“There’s more?”

The listener smiled amusedly, feeling curious about what it possibly was.