Retreat Part II

“You bitch. Who allows you to build this kind of thing? Also, why ...why,”

He did not finish his sentence before his voice became shaking. Clearly, he was too angry to put his words together.

Maysa cracked into a laugh at what she was seeing. Meanwhile, Valentine deepened her voice as she spoke to William.

“Leader William, please have more respect for this woman. Also, she’s the Nemesis guild’s chief of staff anyway. I might let it go this one time, but if leader Vincent heard you calling his close ally ‘bitch’, I don’t think it’d end well for you.”

The warning made the arrogant face move its lips up like a smile, but he was more in the most awkward situation. His hand was taking his sunglasses off shakingly.

“Who cares about that guy?!” He shouted with rage. “The problem is why did she take so many materials just to build this one cannon? Also, everything she took is from the Willam Star guild only!” The noble manners that he always had were completely gone.