Secret Meeting Part III

‘Sorry, but an idiot like you is still important to our guild. I'm not going to let them take you, too.’

Wisana spoke up softly as he caught his friend with one hand. Then he looked at Shin who was lying on the ground. They caught eyes and understood each other right away. After that, Wisana summoned the butterfly effect.

The sparkling light was spreading out wide to cover around Shin and Tunwa. And before they realized, Wisana had taken off to the sky already, even though this time he did it clumsily because he was still numb from the wound on his shoulder and there were arrows that Nuchjaree was shooting at them constantly.

He had to evade the attacks, while he was carrying his two friends back with him as well and the numbness was getting worse that his body felt like giving in right now.

‘Vincent, can you go faster?’ Shin shouted from the left wing.

‘I’m trying. Why?’

He shouted back, eyes turning to look at the other again.