Mission to Steal the Crystal (2) Part I

In the evening of the third day of the war, the sky started changing color to the night tone as time passed by. Also, this day was the day that the red pirates would assign the holy crystal to Valentine as planned.

A golden crystal the size of a football was sparkling on the palm of a man who was standing next to Valentine. He was a small guy with golden brown hair and one of his eyes covered in an eyepatch, “Vis” the one who joined the Hunting Gate with Wisana back then.

“All’s good, Boss.” Vis turned to speak with Valentine after examining the crystal in his hand and finding it to be the real one. After that, Valentine nodded in response, before glancing at William and other unit leaders who were standing in a line by the exit of the red pirates’ army’s temporary base.

“Well, then, I better get going and move my unit to Albasta now,” Valentine said.