Wings That Fly to the New Legend Part IV

“Your reflexes are great, too. I think maybe a melee class is more suitable for you. It probably makes you more famous than you already are, Mister Vis.”

The younger one just stood up after his attack missed. He was brushing dust from the building’s remains off his pants, or should it be called the dust from this large hole he had just dug with his bare foot instead?!

“Keep running like this doesn’t look like the greatest warlord of the Bunny Burner, you know.”


Vis said briefly. He was not smiling, nor frowning. There were small wounds starting to appear on his skin. Most of them were bruised from this damn Akkee kid’s attacks. Okay, he might not be directly hit, but only scraping was enough to get him all these visible bruises already!

This kid’s strength was ridiculous!