Snow Queen Part I

“Welcome to Kitty casino. What can I help you with?”

The girls in sexy cat girl costumes shouted in unison, making the eyes behind the glasses of Manoch widen right away.

“Holy mother. Aren't they afraid of catching a cold wearing a costume like that?” He muttered to himself.

The hallway was laid with red carpet from the entrance with an extensive line of young women in sexy costumes that almost looked like a bikini standing along the way. Their cat tails were wiggling left and right steadily until a good-looking, tall man walked in. Their tails started wiggling remarkably faster.

“You’re here for the first time? Jenny can help guide you around.”

And then, there she was, the brave receptionist with fire-red, shoulder-length hair. She quickly and cheerfully walked to Waree, making the girl in a guy firm curl up a smile back to her in response, and it looked exactly like her brother’s smile.

The smile that was unintentionally flirtatious!!