A Calling from Dirt Part IV

“What? It's you.” He said, openly sounding disappointed.

“What? You look disappointed.”

Jeng replied in a completely blunted voice. He was looking at Wisana like he wanted to pick a fight with him. However, the one who was being stared at just waved it away tiredly.

“Am I that obvious?”

Wisana annoyingly pretended to smile at him. Seeing that, Jeng was about to yell but he did not. Because his eyes caught the little girl who was growling in her throat and that reminded him of the trace of a set of teeth that was still on his index finger until now!

“So, what’s the matter, Mister Jeng? Why are you here at such a late hour like this?” Wisana asked. “...You’re not done nagging me?”

“...You’re annoying, puffed chest.”

Jeng whispered to himself, counting one to ten in his mind instead of slipping out some insults at this girl again. The tall man held up what he brought with him for Wisana to see right away.

“Here, the fireworks, you asked Miki to bring you some, didn’t you?”