The Forbidden Weapon, “Dark Longinus” Part II

“Don’t tell me that you’ve started liking me.”

Hearing what he repeated, Nuchjaree reached to scratch her head harshly.

“You’re either weird or delusional!” She snapped. “There’s no way I like a man from the dark side like you. Being around you feels so gloomy like it’s about to rain. So, don’t flatter yourself!”

“Surprising that we’re on the same page about this.” Sven smiled, walking closer to her slowly. “I’m not very fond of a woman with a body like a chopping board, who is always loud and stiff in manner without anything like a lady at all either. You're also short-tempered, yelling a lot, and acting like a child.”


The one who got insulted held her fist up threateningly.

But the man only placed his hand on her shoulder in response. Nuchjaree froze, feeling like electricity rushing in her when his large hand touched her thin shoulder.

“Don’t overthink it. There's nothing shady going on here. It's just that being with you is fun. This is not enough reason for you?”