Versus ‘Gaia’ and ‘Poseidon’ (1) Part VI

“The channel is interrupted, Captain. I ...I think it’s the effect of C-jammer (Communication Jammer). All signals are very confusing right now!”


Maysa whispered. Her eyes looked over to Waree right away. And when their eyes caught each other like they were communicating silently, it took Maysa only 3 seconds to process before she could understand the enemy’s plan thoroughly.

Her pink lips parted a little as she stood up from the captain's chair with a panicked face!

“Aerin, fire retreat signal in the sky and get Leader Vincent back to our ship now. This is a trap. They purposely drew our leader out!”

“E! Y ...yes, Captain!”

Aerin responded with a panicked face. She hurriedly turned to work turbulently on her control panel right away.


Suddenly, Mek shouted aloud to get the captain’s attention.

“What is it?”

“T …to the front, the enemies’ crowd just got larger multiple times!”
