7 Day’s Part IV

“That was a skill for dealing with mages especially, huh? Good one!”

And not waiting for him to get back in his ready position, Satti sprinted to Nero again, not leaving any time for him to breathe. The one with glasses clenched his jaws tightly as he was forced to defend her. He could not cast any spell right now, because no matter how fast he could cast, that gunner was just faster to fire the bullet to cancel his magic completely!

So, Nero could only try to dodge some of those attacks, while his HP kept reducing because of Tueni’s bullets that had been harassing him periodically.

But it was worse in Allen’s case. Monni, the warrior with heavy armor and a large sword, had been attacking him violently and continuously. Plus, the injuries he had been getting started to cause ‘Numb’ status all of a sudden!

“Damn it, this woman’s senselessly chasing me like just Mad Dog Sander now!”