A Different Path Part V

“Not funny, you moron!” She even put more power into the tickles.

“P-please listen. I only… w-want to see… HAHAHA… you dressed up…”

“I’m not a barbie doll!” Maysa scolded him.

“J-just listen… These things are… HAHAHA… very good. Even though it costs me so much… HAHA… it’s worth it. The shorts also come with even better options.”

Hearing that, Maysa stopped tickling him and gave him a glare.

“...The shorts,” she said. “What does it do?”

Wisana grabbed his aching ribs. No matter how good he was, he still lost to Maysa’s tickles. His teary amber eyes slowly glanced up at Maysa.

He gave her a happy smile.

“Getting interested? My dear, you have to wear it to know it. Try them on.”

Maysa smiled sweetly at him before putting her hands back on his waist again.

“AGHHHH! Enough, enough!” He cried out.

“I’m not wearing that even if I die, you perv!”