Announcing The War Part III


A beer bottle blew past them and shattered when it hit the rock. The two hotheaded men quickly turned to the source with a surprised face.

“Humans are talking, you dogs can go fight somewhere else.”

Baron yelled loudly at them. She pointed at them with a chicken drumstick in her hand.

Both men looked each other in the eye and shrugged awkwardly.

Maysa was happy that at least Baron was a sane one here. If she did not stop them, Wisana and Sander would totally go for another round, even though they had had so much earlier that Tunwa and Manoch cheered so loudly. The girls could only sigh.

Baron let out a long sigh.

“Ah, I’m sorry for asking, but are you and Mr. Sander friends?”

Maysa asked with a puzzled face. She was holding a juice glass in her hands.

Baron smiled at her. “Yes. Although I don’t really want to be.”

She glared at the childish man.

“Hey, why did you say that, lady.”

“Isn’t that the truth?” The masked lady grinned.

Sander scoffed.