“W… Wait, what about the others?” Wisana asked.
“We’ll let them commence first and we’ll follow,” Baron said and walked up to the edge of the tower. “And Tristan is this close. We can go at any time. What I’m worried about more is you, Vincent.”
She glared at Wisana. He sighed softly.
“And what is it for today, pretty aunty?” He grinned.
“You’re very good with your level and Signetic control. I don’t have to teach you anymore.” She sighed. “But it’s not good enough. You can’t win against Lucius like this.”
“Lucius?” Wisana raised his eyebrow. “...Is he that good?”
“....” Baron did not reply right away. She turned the other way and murmured softly. “Only 30%.”
“What’s 30%?”
“Our chance to win.”
Not only Wisana but also Sarquros and Mona Lisa could sense Baron’s trembling voice. They knew right away that it was not a threat. It was the ugly truth that even Baron had to accept it.
“Only 30%?”
Wisana asked. His voice was so stressful that Baron giggled.