Toys and Weapons! Part III

“Acting captain, our speed is over one Mach already.”

Mek reminded him while gritting his teeth. He held on to the controller so tightly like never before. This might be the riskiest mission that he had done since he started this job. However, he had had this kind of experience before when he was fighting Poseidon and Gaia!

“Good. Stabilize the speed!” Manoch shouted.

His eyes were fixed on the target.

“They shot the cannons. What should we do?” Aerin warned.

“No need to dodge. Cannons can’t do anything to us. We only have to embrace the impact.”

Then, the ship shook so harshly because a ray from the cannon just hit the bottom of it. However, it only bounced off with so little damage, even less than a hundred!

“Gungnir?” Manoch muttered. “What about it? Do you think this can stop us? This ridiculous weapon can’t do shit!!”