The Three Monsters and The Three Battles of The History (1) Part II

“What about Baron?”

“Don’t worry about aunty. She should be somewhere around here. We can proceed as planned.” He sighed and turned to Valentine. “The situation right now is confusing. I don’t think I’ll have time to explain. I believe you should have known at least a thing or two about the Cores?”

“Yes.” Valentine nodded.

“Then, there’re only four Cores who are our problems. One of them my master should be dealing with right now, so don’t worry about it. As for ours…”

Wisana was suddenly frozen, just like Valentine. They looked up at the sky at the same time. Wisana gritted his teeth.

“Watch out!!”

“Vis, get out of there!”

Both of them shouted. Wisana pushed Maysa away so hard that she rolled on the ground. Meanwhile, Valentine put her arms around Vis and pulled him away.