First day of training


"Are you sure you don't need anything else?" Miss Zoya asked for the umpteenth time, and Elliana smiled before nodding.

As soon as Mizz Zoya left, her demeanor changed, and the smile on her face was replaced by a cold look.

She walked to the bed where her phone was and gently picked it up.

She dialed the number and waited for the person to pick it up.

"I think I know what we are going to do with them. Wait for me. It's going to be a fun game. I'll try to be there tomorrow. Lay low till then, and don't roam the streets casually. If you get caught, I don't know you," Elliana said before ending the call and throwing the phone back on the bed. 

She looked at her hand and clenched her fists, trying to see if she could feel the energy collecting in the middle of her palm as that Witch Yaretzi had told her. 

Nothing happened. Even after trying three times, nothing happened.