A bunch of complicated threads of truth

"I can't believe you guys!" Cleopatra shouted, and Hera shook in her place, making Artemis immediately hold her hand.

Currently, all three of them, Hera, Artemis, and Marianna were standing in front of Cleopatra, their coral clan leader.

Someone snitched on them that they were roaming the vampire Kingdom's grounds. Artemis had hinted to Cleopatra that they would be going to the coasts of the nation to gather some information regarding the mission, and she had agreed dejectedly, but this? They clearly crossed their limits.

"Give us a chance to explain -" Hera started.

"You shut your damn mouth!" Cleopatra raised her voice, making Hera's ears ring with a painful piercing, and she fell to her knees, making Artemis immediately hug her.

"Cleopatra! You are hurting her!" Artemis shouted, and the latter only smiled coldly.