I've made the final decisions for travel?

(POV: Lumiere)

The Duchy of Drakoria was the Southern territory of the Cross Kingdom. 

It boasted a notable hierarchy consisting of 4 Earldoms, 12 Viscounties, and 40 Baronies. Among these Earldoms, the Goldcrest Earldom, under the esteemed leadership of Earl Fermor Goldcrest, stood out as a prominent entity. 

Notably, the capital city of the Greenhaven Earldom, Zarbon, served as the epicenter for the revered Holy Sword Festival. 

According to Lucilia, 

Following the treacherous actions of Duke Veltuor, a new Duke was elected— Duke Dolselo. 

And it was no surprise this Duke was also friends with Lord, now Viscount Randolph. 

This association enabled Dolselo to garner support from his peers in the King's Court, ultimately securing Randolph the esteemed position of Viscount of Delia.

It was a lot to process... 

I hesitated, unsure about leaving the comforts of the Silva Citadel and undertaking such a massive endeavor.