Arrival at Argentia?

I'm preparing to do a mass release soon. 



They had arrived. Their location: Argentia. 

The Efistes Viscounty was the general name for the three viscounties under Lugnarʼs rule. 

There was Argentia, Obsidia and Ivory. 

Lumiere possessed [Telepathy], a skill that allowed him to transfer memories to others. 

And thanks to Lucilia's recollection of Efistes Company and its location, Lumiere could successfully transmit those memories to Stellaria. 

Stellaria could only teleport to places she had been to before. 

It was a task originally meant for Isadora, but her increasing fatigue due to her pregnancy made things difficult. 

So currently, Lumiere's [Telepathy] had gone from Rank C to S.

Umbra turned to Lumiere. "So master, what's our next move?" he asked. 

"I think it's time we paid a visit to the Efistes Company," Lucilia suggested eagerly.