[Intermission] The horn rubbing offer? (R-18)

(POV: Lumiere)


No, there was absolutely no reason for me to be back at the Silva Onsen.

But one does not simply stumble upon such a lewd voice.

I was dying to know where that voice came from. On any other day, I'd be able to trace who the voice belonged to — provided I'd heard the voice before. But in the case of this voice, it didn't matter how many times I'd heard it, it was painted with so much lust and desire that I couldn't tell who it belonged to.

Still, my best guess would be Isadora.

She was in the Delia Viscounty, but that didn't mean she couldn't leave to come see me.

"Turn back now, Lumiere..."

But I still kept walking.

"Come on, turn back already..."

And I still kept walking dammit!

I needed some sleep, it wasn't the right time to be doing this.

I approached cautiously, unsure of what I'd find.