National Investigation Bureau

"What do you mean Lucy?", Luke asked stupidfied.

But before he could pursue it, a group of men in black suits walked into the cafe looking very aggressive.

The leader of this men in black suit wore a gold rimmed glasses and had the air of a powerful government official.

He swept an intense gaze around the cafe while adjusting his glasses, his gaze finally ended on Luke who looked back at him nonchalantly.

Actually Luke was sighing deeply in his heart as he had lost an opportunity to ask Lucy more questions.

Ever since he discovered Lucy in his Consciousnesses, she's never really given her a detailed explanation of the wider universe like today.

All she taught him was how to improve and assimilate the "Universal Stream" and a few things about his Civilization,

but today she had spilled a lot and could have gotten more if not for those men in black

He glanced at them and thinking about how they've interrupted such an opportunity for him, anger couldn't help but boil within him.

John and the other employees rushed out of the kitchen and glanced coldly at the men in black.

Those men in black were shocked and a bit scared, looking at the well built employees with their huge muscles, they couldn't help but sweat,

What was this chilling atmosphere.

The leader of the group showed his badge to them,

"We are from the National Bureau Of Investigation and we have reason believe that this is a drug den

Please cooperate with us and follow us to the station, if you are innocent you will be back before you know it

and also this entire cafe will be confiscated and searched thoroughly, so please comply". said the man authoritatively.

Luke just glanced at him nonchalantly as if he wasn't really bothered by what was going on.

He casually glanced at the leader, " firstly who are you people again?

and secondly, do you have a search and arrest warrant".

Luke asked in a lazy tone, he was feeling extremely annoyed.

The leader of the team was called Evans, he was just a team leader in the bureau, but yesterday his superior ordered him to come to this no name cafe not backed by any powerful person and drag out the owner to a secret location.

He was told that if he does it well to the satisfaction of the higher ups, he would be rewarded extremely.

Evans wasn't about to let such an opportunity slip, but he wasn't stupid either.

He got to know that his doing this job for the heir of Mega Corporation and after knowing Luke identity as the most luckiest bastard of the century

He kind of roughly understood the situation.

To him Luke was still too wet behind the ears to prove as an obstacle to his success, he had faced more tougher and powerful people.

He approached Luke's counter and slammed on it hardly while glaring down evilly at Luke's blank face sitting behind the counter.

That face could scare the hell out of many people, but Luke looked at it blankly.

"Listen pretty boy, am the one in charge here.

If I want to take you away, I don't need any warrant".

He brought his budge to Luke's face, "just this is enough".

He then stepped back and straighten his tie, "now come with us without any fuss, because trust me there is a more harder way to do this."

Luke rolled his eyes which greatly shocked the bureau guards, many people would already be shaking at this point but today this man here was looking completely unfazed,

Luke took out his phone and dialled a number, all this while John and the guardian team had stood still just waiting for Luke's orders.

Luke waved his hands to tell them to go and continue what they were doing.

He wasn't having this bullshit today.

They immediately went back to the kitchen leaving only John. They weren't worried because they knew who their boss was.

In the presidential office, Selena was having a meeting with her chief advisors on an issue,

She looked extremely beautiful and charming, today she wore a suit which should have made her looked professional, but instead she looked kind sexy.

On her messy table filled with papers and books, there was a big spot were a mobile phone lay silently

This phone was very special to Selena because if there was ever a day that Mr Archman would call, it would be through this phone.

The only purpose of this phone was to receive Luke's call, only Luke had this cell phone number and if it were to ring at any day it would be from only one man.

As they were in discussion the phone started ringing loudly. The moment it rang, Selena felt dazed for a second before coming out of it.

She nodded at her secretary, Only her secretary knew the purpose of this phone apart from Selena.

Selena immediately got up and signaled her Secretary to kick everyone out.

Evane her secretary kicked all the chief advisors out.

Selena breathed in to calm herself but when she was about to pick the call, the call ended.

But it immediately rang again to which she immediately answered.

Back at Emotion Palace Evans patiently waited for Luke to finish his call, he wanted to see who was backing this pretty boy for him to be so arrogant.

Maybe his wife?.

Luke dialled the number but wasn't able to get a response, so he called again, to which was answer immediately.

"Madam President, I didn't know your national security bureau were so powerful and awe inspiring,

They even dare to arrest me without a warrant in broad daylight.

How are you running your government to let such morons in, am highly disappointed.

Am at a cafe called Emotion palace in the Northern part of Valdan, if within six minutes you don't get this dogs out

I will clean your messy government for you."

He hang up not giving her any chance to reply.

Evans and his men roared in laughter, What a joke.

Who did this guy think he was?

Clean up the messy government? what a joke.

"Pretty boy, you've brightened my boring day, I will wait for the six minutes and see your greatness.

After the six minutes I would show you how hell looks like".

Evans said smiling and stood still waiting for six minutes, today was going to be a good day.

Meanwhile in the presidential office, Selena who had just been scolded looked pale as she called the Director of the Bureau Of Investigation.

"Get your men out of Emotion Palace before three minutes or I swear you will regret it".

She roared loudly at the director of the bureau the moment the call connected and hanged up.

The director immediately started his investigation in panic, he was clueless about what was going on.

A minute later he found out that one of his subordinates have deployed Evans team to this Emotions palace,

he immediately contacted Evans.

When four minutes had already passed, his phone rang out loudly through out the cafe, which left him in shock and panic,

he glanced at the number calling him and immediately paled, he stared at Luke nonchalant expression and felt a chill run through his body.

The director was the caller, this was a man who only called once in a blue moon.

He knew he was in deep shit but he prayed that the call shouldn't be related to Luke in any way.

He shakenly answered the call but heard a furious voice sayings " Are you trying to get me killed!, get your bloody men out of there!".

It did have something to do with the pretty boy, he quickly turned around, " We are moving out".

his men weren't stupid, they understood they had offended someone they shouldn't have.

When they were leaving Luke cold voice rang behind them,

"This isn't over."

It was the first time Luke had said anything without a nonchalant tone and it sounded scary.