The beauty has hidden depths

Xie Bian went very still. He didn't move in his seat -- which proved difficult because Chujiang kept looking at him intensely. Winking whenever she caught his eye.

None of this could be a coincidence. He tried to catch Yanluo's eye; get a confirmation in some way that he expected these developments and that was why he'd given him the book. But Yanluo's gaze was only focused on the map.

"There are other sects, you know," Chujiang said, stirring the tea Xie Bian had yet to see her, or Yanluo, drink.

Fan Wujiu wasn't convinced. "This is happening in their territory. Jade Dragon Manor is to blame."

"Chujiang has a point," Yanluo said, "we can't discard the possibility of other sects being behind this. Or even rogue cultivators, just because Jade Dragon Manor is the easiest answer."

"It's not rogue cultivators," Fan Wujiu said. His eye slid across the map almost dismissively, but the act was only skin-deep. Yanluo's remark bothered him.

Yanluo gestured vaguely. "It could be the work of smaller sects. I don't pay attention to the human realm but they're always vying for power among themselves."

The conversation went back and forth in that vein with Yanluo and Fan Wujiu offering increasingly hostile opinions, while Chujiang intervened from time to time to add kindle to the fire, for the single purpose of amusing herself.

Xie Bian watched the three of them closely. It was obvious that both Yanluo and Chujiang were very familiar, they bickered in the way that only people who had known each other for a long time did.

But Fan Wujiu kept both of them at a distance. However long he'd known them, he was adamant their relationship shouldn't be friendly.

The severe line of his jaw never relaxed, and his long, sooty eyelashes barely softened the harshness of his crimson gaze. Xie Bian couldn't help wondering what had made him so mistrustful.

It was inevitable that he would notice Xie Bian's close scrutiny. "If you have something to say speak."

Xie Bian leaned his cheek on his open palm and regarded Fan Wujiu openly. "Why are you so sure that it couldn't have been rogue cultivators?"

Fan Wujiu grit his teeth. "Because this is happening in Jade Dragon Manor territory, which is one of the four major sects, it stands to reason..."

Xie Bian interrupted him. "But rogue cultivators aren't associated with a specific sect, so it stands to reason that they can go anywhere they want. Including Jade Dragon Manor territory."

Fan Wujiu's lips tightened in a grimace. "What's your point?"

Xie Bian shrugged. "We should consider every angle, right? Why are you so quick to dismiss a possible investigation avenue?"

Chujiang was watching them both with a delighted smile. She had no idea what had gotten into Yanluo to assign a second General, and so suddenly, but it was clearly going to liven up the place. After years she had barely gotten a hum out of Fan Wujiu, nothing seemed to perturb his glacial calm. But in just a few minutes Xie Bian had already gotten himself so many of his charming glares!

He could not hide how much the other's presence bothered him! Amazing. She could not help paying Xie Bian closer attention. The beauty had hidden depths.

She had never seen the still waters of Fan Wujiu's composure so perturbed.

Yanluo on the other hand was questioning his decision. The only other person he had ever seen Fan Wujiu so annoyed by was himself.

Unaware that he had become a spectator sport, Xie Bian was only growing bolder. "Actually, I don't think you can say anything with any decisiveness without thoroughly investigating things first."

He was making great points, maybe he had been a constable in his previous life. Maybe even a judge like Yanluo. That would explain why he had chosen him.

"Do you know anything about Jade Dragon Manor?" Fan Wujiu asked, his voice register didn't change but his tone went several degrees colder.

"No, but-"

"How fortunate for you."

That put an end to the conversation. Xie Bian glanced at Fan Wujiu from the corner of his eye. He would get to the root of his prickly outer shell yet.

Yanluo cleared his throat pointedly, anxious to clear the air. "Well, you two know where to go now. You can leave at once."

"At once?" Xie Bian looked between Yanluo and Chujiang in surprise. "Isn't that too sudden?"

"I thought you were eager to investigate," Fan Wujiu said.

Xie Bian was happy to rise to the challenge. "Sure, let's go right now," he said, getting up to his feet.

Chujiang held on to his sleeve and pulled him back down. "Not this second, we have time for tea." This was the most fun she'd had in, oh, nearly a year. She couldn't let the two of them out of her sight so soon.

She rubbed Susu's chin and told her, "Be a good girl and tell Dongfang to bring tea to our guests."

The snake slithered away from her lap and onto the ground, hissing in annoyance all the while. Her words were few and far between, and almost always saved for Chujiang's ears only.

Moments later a cute, wobbling imp with a lizard's lower bottom and a head of green grass came into the courtyard balancing a tray of clinking porcelain cups and a steaming teapot.

"Tea, tea for the guests! Tea! Tea for the guests." He giggled, repeating the same words over and over like a child.

Chujiang thanked him and poured the tea for Xie Bian and Fan Wujiu.

Xie Bian wasn't hungry or thirsty, but he hadn't eaten anything since the day before. It was about time someone noticed.

He reached for the cup, scooped the foam away with the lid and took a sip. No one else had touched theirs. Fan Wujiu's crimson gaze held a subtle hint of mockery.

As soon as Xie Bian could fully taste the tea he understood why.

He swallowed with some effort. "It, uhm, tastes spoiled."

Chujiang giggled in delight. "Of course it does, little beauty," she flicked one of her many shawls in the air and all the greenery around them turned to sad, dark husks, no different from the inner courtyard in Yanluo's palace.

Fan Wujiu reached for his own teacup. "If death were so sweet, why would anyone want to live?" His gaze never left Xie Bian's as he downed the tea in a single sip.