Dark Bidding

Susu wouldn't leave them be until they sat in front of the mirror. She watched them like a commanding officer while they got dressed, her snake's tongue tasting the air in displeasure at how long they were taking.

Xie Bian felt like someone's undisciplined child as he sat next to Fan Wujiu at the low table, looking at the blank mirror waiting for Chujiang to make an appearance and chastise them for tardiness or being unfilial.

It was a shock when she showed up smiling. "Ah, there you are," she said, resting her chin on her laced fingers. "I screamed myself hoarse trying to get you to hear me."

Susu cut in with a glare. "They were fornicating, Misssstresss! That was why they didn't answer Mistressessss' summonsss."

Chujiang's eyes widened in apparent interest. "Really? Fascinating."

Every part of Xie Bian shuddered at hearing the word 'fornicating', he rushed to add, "We were not, we were asleep."

"She can kill them if it pleases Misssstress."