The Ambitions

Chapter 03:The Ambitions

Alex made his way back to his childhood home, feeling a sense of nostalgia wash over him as he walked through the familiar streets. The houses looked smaller now, the trees taller, and everything seemed to be just a little bit different from how he remembered it.

He unlocked the door to his family's old house and stepped inside. The musty smell of disuse hit him like a wave. It had been a long time since anyone had lived here, and it showed.

Alex walked through the empty rooms, running his fingers over the furniture that had once been so familiar. It was strange to think that his family had once lived here, laughing and talking and making memories. Now, it was just an empty shell.

As he walked into his old bedroom, Alex's heart sank. Everything was exactly as he remembered it, from the posters on the wall to the rickety old bookshelf in the corner. But it was also painfully clear that no one had been in here for years.

Alex sat down on the bed and let out a deep sigh. He missed his family, missed the way things used to be. It felt like a lifetime ago that he had left this place to pursue his dreams.

He took out his phone and dialled his little brother's number. They talked for a while, catching up on each other's lives. His brother and sister were doing well, and it made Alex happy to hear their voices.

After he hung up, Alex sat in silence for a while, lost in thought. It felt good to be back home, but at the same time, he felt like he didn't belong here anymore. His life was in the ring now, and he couldn't ignore that fact.

He lay down on the bed and closed his eyes, feeling a sudden sense of exhaustion wash over him. As he drifted off to sleep, he thought about the championship belt he had bought. It was still with him, tucked away in his bag. He didn't know what it meant, but he couldn't shake the feeling that it was important.

When Alex woke up the next morning, he felt like he had been hit by a truck. His head was pounding, and there was a strange beeping sound in his mind that wouldn't go away.

He stumbled out of bed and made his way to the bathroom, splashing water on his face. He looked in the mirror and was startled by what he saw.

There were dark circles under his eyes, and his face looked pale and drawn. He looked like he hadn't slept in weeks.

As he stared at himself in the mirror, Alex heard a voice in his head. It was a voice without any emotion.







The message ended there, and the virtual screen went blank. But soon after, glowing golden tab menus started to appear.


SYSTEM LEVEL: 1 (0/1000 mastery points to level up)

USER: Alex

AGE: 22 years



(Evaluation:A novice wrestler with a long way to go to become a wrestling superstar)



Alex's heart raced as he stared at the screen. He had always dreamed of becoming a great wrestler, and now he had the Wrestling system to help him reach his goals.

He clicked on the "USER STATS" tab and saw his current level of ability.


Wrestling Technique: B

Strength: C

Speed: C+

Agility: C

Endurance: B

Charisma: D

Alex knew he had a lot of work to do to improve his skills, but he was determined to succeed.

He clicked on the "MISSIONS" tab and saw a list of tasks.


1. Participate in a local wrestling tournament and win at least one match. Reward: +10 mastery points.

2. Train with a professional wrestling coach to improve your wrestling technique. Reward: +20 mastery points

3. Increase strength and agility by 10% through daily exercise and training. Reward: +15 mastery points.

4. Develop a signature move to use in matches. Reward: +25 mastery points.

5. Win a championship title in a lower-tier promotion. Reward: +50 mastery points.

Alex studied the missions carefully, and he knew that each one would be a challenge. But he was ready to take them on and become the best wrestler he could be.

Alex smiled, knowing that the Wrestling system was going to help him achieve his dreams. He was ready to get started and become the best wrestler he could be.

Alex couldn't believe his luck. The Wrestling system was a dream come true, and he was eager to get started on his missions. He couldn't wait to become the best wrestler he could be, and he knew that the system would help him achieve his goals.

As he explored the user interface, Alex noticed that the system had no human emotion. It was purely objective, giving him missions and updating his stats without any personal feelings or opinions. It was strange, but also reassuring. He knew that the system would always give him the most efficient path to becoming a great wrestler.

Alex clicked on the first mission, which was to participate in a local wrestling tournament and win at least one match. The reward for completing the mission was 10 mastery points, which would help him level up his wrestling abilities.

The second mission was to train with a professional wrestling coach to improve his technique. This mission offered a reward of 20 mastery points, which was a significant increase from the first mission. Alex knew that he needed to improve his wrestling technique if he wanted to succeed, and this mission was the perfect opportunity to do so.

The third mission was to increase his strength and agility by 10% through daily exercise and training. This mission offered a reward of 15 mastery points, and it would help him become more physically fit and able to compete at a higher level.

The fourth mission was to develop a signature move to use in matches. This mission was worth 25 mastery points, and Alex knew that a signature move could help him stand out in the ring and gain a following.

The final mission was to win a championship title in a lower-tier promotion. This mission was the most challenging of all, but also the most rewarding. Completing this mission would give Alex 50 mastery points, which was enough to help him level up his wrestling abilities significantly.

Excited by the prospect of completing these missions, Alex decided to dive in headfirst. He started to work on his wrestling technique, training with his old coach and practising his moves over and over again. He also started to exercise daily, pushing himself harder and harder to increase his strength and agility so that he could finish his first system mission, which is the third one on his system list.

After a week of hard work finally, he was able to finish the third mission which granted him 15 mastery points.

In the case of mastery points, he learnt a few days ago how he could earn mastery points. A wrestler can gain mastery points by winning matches, improving their skills and techniques, and gaining recognition and accolades from the wrestling community. In addition, wrestlers can earn mastery points through their involvement in various events, promotions, and tournaments. The more successful a wrestler is in these areas, the more mastery points they can earn, which can be used to unlock new abilities and improve their overall performance in the ring.

After completing his mission he went to his home, took a bath and ate something light. When he was resting he heard a ding sound inside his head. He knew it was a system's way of informing him that there was a new system mission or that the system wanted to say something to him.

. As he clicked on the "MISSIONS" tab, he noticed a new addition to the list.


Run 5 miles every other day.

Lift weights for 1 hour, 3 times a week.

Practice wrestling techniques for 2 hours, 4 times a week.

Reward: +10 mastery points and an upgrade to Charisma to C-.

Alex was a bit surprised by the new weekly mission, but he knew that physical fitness was crucial for success in the wrestling world. He decided to embrace the challenge and get started on his training regimen.

He began running every other day, pushing himself to go faster and farther each time. He lifted weights for an hour three times a week, focusing on building strength in his arms and legs. And he practiced his wrestling techniques for two hours, four times a week, honing his skills and perfecting his moves.

As he worked hard to complete his weekly exercise mission, Alex felt his body becoming stronger and more agile. He could feel the progress he was making and was excited to see the results of his hard work.

After a few weeks, Alex checked his user stats and was pleased to see that his strength and speed had improved by 10%. He also earned an additional 10 mastery points for completing his weekly exercise mission.

But perhaps the most surprising improvement was in his charisma. As he interacted with other wrestlers and fans, he found himself more confident and outgoing, able to engage with others more effectively. He smiled more often and found it easier to connect with others, both in and out of the ring.

Alex realized that his improved physical fitness had not only made him a better wrestler but had also given him a boost in his personal life. He was grateful to the Wrestling system for pushing him to become the best version of himself and was excited to see where his journey would take him next.