Memes, Dreams, and Pipe-Bombs

A few more days had passed, and the Lots Crew and the President had set a meeting in the Courthouse.

"Listen up everyone, obviously we can't use the Courthouse as a base, due to the extreme damage and location, it's too risky, however, we've made sure Local PD aka the dicks always trying to shut down our party have been stationed on the bottom floor, and all the Ziplines have been cutdown so there will be no escape. A few randoms who used to come to Lots have sacrificed their lives to make certain that this trap works."

As the President and his security detail arrived, the police escorted him and his crew upstairs where they were met by the few sacrifices of lots.

"Welcome Mr. President, the Overlord will be in shortly, but in the meantime, enjoy these cookies and water we have set up out for you."

With a nod, the sacrifices left the room to complete their mission. Thermite had been places on all the structural points of the Courthouse and Sonic devices had been placed nearby. The Lots crew had set up projectors all around the Courthouse and the surrounding buildings ready for their big play.

The TV Screen turned on to a preloaded video made by the Overlord.

"Mr. President, I do apologize for the tardiness but what exactly did you expect was going to happen here. After all, you murdered our friends and family. You and everyone else in that building are now about to witness my resolve...NO FASCIST, NO COPS, NO MORE YOU!"

The Video ends and Megalovania Phonk blasts through the sonic devices, the buildings now had images of skeletons "Hitting the Griddy, Flossing, hitting the Orange Justice" and more as explosive devices armed all around them.

"You Mr. President have been outmemed! NOW ENJOY!"

The bombs erupted, the courthouse collapsed killing everyone inside, the area around the courthouse erupted into fiery explosions as soldiers tried to escape.

The Lots Crew held the flag up atop a nearby church steeple and the Overlord shouted, "LOTS FOREVER!"

"LOTS FOREVER!" replied the rest of the crew as the Ghost flew into Ottawa to finish of the remaining troops in the TBM Avenger."