The Fall of Star-Spangled Island

Over the course of a few weeks, trio began making leaps and bounds in reclaiming the United States' Eastern and parts of the Southern coast. However, they began to run into specific issues with their air force. Due to most of their fighters being passenger planes retrofitted to hold guns, they weren't armored so anything the NWO threw at them would knock out at least one plane.

The NWO had been preparing for once massive push to reestablish themselves as the ruling power by building a satellite that would restore global radar systems and worldwide communication. There weren't many rockets left and the only transport vehicle was an old space shuttle that hadn't seen space since the early 2000's. Worst of all, they knew that the Star-Spangled Coalition wouldn't allow them to launch the rocket overseas. Their best bet was to launch it within the United States, and pray they could launch before the crew found out.

"Are we ready to launch?"

"About 20 minutes sir."

"Excellent, I will inform my masters."

Inside a sealed room, the man made contact.

"My masters, I am pleased to report the shuttle launch will commence in 20 minutes and there are no signs that the Star-Spangled Coalition has any ideas that we're launching."

"Excellent, you have done will, Tactician, either way we will win even if we lose the rocket."

"Proceed with your plans, and do not fail us as the witch did."

"Yes Master Rothschild."

While The Tactician talked with his masters, a brave NASA employee sent the Star-Spangled Coalition the coordinates for the rocket and hoped they'd get there in time.

"Alright, we've received the launch coordinates from a contact from the inside. Wheels up in five minutes." commanded the Overlord

"Jarrin, have the Enola ready to take flight." said the Ghost

"You got it."

"Overlord, you're bringing the USS Texas?"

"As a precaution, can't be too careful with the NWO."

"Agreed, we'll see you tonight."

As the Coalition moved in on their target, the NWO made its second move.

"Lord Soros, you have been cleared to launch the fleet, ambush that island. Your carrier is loaded with nuclear capable strike bombers, B-2 Spirits. Level that Island."

"Tonight gentlemen, we rid the world of the Stars and Stripes forever!"

As the Coalition arrived at their target, a few light fighters attempted to intercept but they were taken out quickly.

"All planes open fire on that rocket the second it takes to the sky."

"Understood Ghost." radioed everyone.

As the rocket took flight, every plane laid fire into the boosters creating a fireball of destruction. The pilots cheered but their celebration was cut short by a radio broadcast.

"Attention Star-Spangled Coalition, this is Lord Rothschild of the NWO, as we speak, NWO B-2 bombers loaded with nuclear bombs are about at your island, try and stop them. Fighters are in route to intercept and obliterate you. Good Luck, and may the Stars and Stripes finally die with the deaths of you."

"ALL PILOTS SCRAMBLE! BACK TO BASE SHOOT AND B-2 DOWN! OVERLORD! GET EVERYONE OUT OF HERE! WE'LL LINK UP SO HOW!" commanded the Ghost as he turned the Enola Gay toward the base.

"Ghost! Incoming F-16's and SU-57's"


The pilots split up trying to get away from the jets chasing them.

"Jarrin pull back as hard as you can we gotta gain altitude of the fuckers."

"Got it!"

The two hard pull back on their sticks taking the Enola Gay higher and higher being pursued by a lone SU-57.



As if it were a scene out of a sci-fi film, the old bomber climbs past the clouds, all of its turrets opening fire at the jet, it was no longer a battle of machines, but a battle of pilots.

"Transfer full control to me Jarrin, the get on the new tail gun we added."

"Roger, control is yours, hopping on the gun."

The B-29 reaches its max altitude with the SU-57 hot on its tail about to gain tone.


The SU-57's cockpit alerts the pilot on missile lock, he fires the missile, and it starts after the bomber. However, the bomber had stalled out and had entered a spin. The Ghost pushes the left two engines to full power spinning the plane faster and faster.


Jarrin opens fire the homemade flare and firework pod, sending the missile into a frenzy, unable to lock on then with a single flare fired at the SU-57, takes out its engines, knocking it out of the sky. After seeing the SU-57 falling to the ground, the Ghost drops power from the left engines and full throttles the right ones, canceling the spin allowing them to escape alone headed toward Washington D.C

About half of the Star-Spangled Coalitions air force was killed or missing in action by the time the Overlord saw the nuclear mushroom clouds over the Island. This was a battle they'd won and lost within minutes.

"And with that gentleman, we have destroyed the last memories of the United States of America!" announced Soros as the B-2's returned to the carrier along with the fighters.

However, the crew of the Enola Gay slipped away undetected and unseen into the night sky, hoping others had survived.