Let The Blood Run

The Sun had begun to set over the New Australian Country, and with those last rays of sunshine, Air Force One and its multiple escorts of V1F Vorpelfighters crossed into the line of sight of the government and military officials awaiting their arrival.

Once Air Force One had landed, the NAC officials took them into an armored limo and drove them to a hotel near Parlaiment, where they stayed for a week. They have their countries developing over secured lines they'd brought with them.

After about a week of waiting, they were taken to Parlaiment.

"President Overlord of the New American Empire with his panel members, Military Commander Ghost, and Intelligence Agency Head Light, accompanied by their allies, Prime Minister Akira of the New Japanese Territories, with her panel members, Defense Minister Naofumi, and Japanese Intelligence Agency Director Kumiko. To what do I owe the pleasure today?" asked Prime Minister Zellers

"Both the New American Empire and the New Japanese Territories both want to discuss an alliance with you, in addition, I assume the President of South Korea and a leader of Taiwan are here as well?" asked President Overlord

"Yes, they are on their way in now. I must say, you have impeccable timing. The NWO had reached out a day later than you two, and I told them not at this time, to simply remain neutral. In all honest, we've been considering reaching out to you all for an alliance for quite some time." answered Prime Minister Zellers.

As the Dominion Overseer of Taiwan, and the President of South Korea entered the room, everyone took a seat.

"Welcome to the New Australian Country everyone, we're glad you made it safely, but now that pleasantries are out of the way, we need get down to business, the New American Empire and the New Japanese Territories have offered all of us a seat at their alliance table."

"Why now, after all this time?" asked Dominion Overseer Li-Jie

"I must agree with D.O Li-Jie, why now, after all you both haven't exactly appeared on the world's roster for some time." added President A-Yeong

"Trust me, both the NJT Prime Minister and I understand your concerns. We haven't reached out our hands, and that is simply because we in the NAE, have been rebuilding our country after the NWO dropped nukes on us, the Rad Scrub bombs in the hopes it had wiped us out and take over."

"While we in the NJT have been dealing with the aftershocks of the nuking of the NAE. We have survived thanks to our alliance with the NAE."

"We understand, thank you for explaining." the other two leaders replied.

After lengthy talks, the South Korean Province and the Dominion of Taiwan joined the New Australian Country in joining the alliance. After which, the leaders talked over what the New American Empire had discovered from the NWO Assassin. The other three were just as horrified at the discovery as the NAE and the NJT.

"Good thing we joined up, otherwise we'd be slaves to either the NWO or the NNR."

"Agreed, but for now, we shall withdraw back to our countries, and you have secured lines here going with you back to your countries, don't hesitate to call us."

"Till next we meet."

"Till next we meet."

The NAE and NJT delegates boarded Air Force One and went back the Washington D.C. It had been about two weeks since they'd first left to talk alliances, and everyone was eager to get back to their homes. Once the NJT Delegates had left, President Overlord ordered a report on how the country had been in the two weeks they'd been gone.

"Sir, we have officially reclaimed 97% of the country pending a few Native American Reservations, but we have restored power, and industrial ability to that 97% that we do have. Along with that, our population has grown about 100,000, and homes are going up, 210,000 per day. Clean water and food had been delivered to the newly opened parts of the country, and we have established our laws and government there."

"As for the Native American, have them send delegates to D.C, we can pick them up, I intend to offer them much more land and benefits in order to make our country full again, there is to absolutely no hostility towards them. Am I clear?"

"Yes, President Overlord."

The man had left the room leaving President Overlord working late into the night making sure the Country was running smoothly. However, the pot of the world was about to boil over.

That night, the New Nazi Reich rose from their state of slumber and launched attacks all over Europe and China. The NWO scrambled their soldiers and their defenses but found themselves at that mercy of the New Nazis. These Nazis weren't after killing innocents or building the perfect race, but they were after world domination and the biggest guy in the room, standing in their way was the NWO.

The Free Countries Alliance all contacted the New American Empire as it was what they'd planned at their meeting in the New Australian Country. President Overlord ordered every one of their allies to ready for war, as he made his way to the news set.

"We interrupt your program, to bring you news from the Oval office of the White House."

"My Fellow American, I have just learned that the New World Order was attacked, along with the rest of Europe and China. We as a Nation should be cheering, but their attacks came from the New Nazi Reich, they made their way onto the table by force, but seek world domination, in a speech, their leader, said this world belongs to us, under the banner of the New Nazi Reich. Well, here is my message not only to you, but to our allies and our enemies. For decades, the United States was the greatest nation on this planet, but we found out the hard way the our government and elected officials weren't. So In this decade, we choose to defend our nation, our allies and our citizens from any threats, may that be the New World Order, or this New Nazi Reich."

The Ghost took the podium, and took off his mask, then spoke.

"This is a message to our enemies: To the New World Order, You have crossed a line when you attacked our citizens, killing thousands, and millions more when you ordered our old government to kill most of the cities with a population over a million. As for the New Nazi Reich: You may not want genocide as your predecessors did, but mark my words, should you come of The New American Empire, or our allies, I shall be happy to show you why your predecessors lost to American Steel, and this time, we'll throw everything we have at you, not just the Kitchen sink."

"Thank you for allowing us to interrupt your program, now back to our regular schedule."