Of Titans and Troops

Sundown finally came and the event was broadcast across the QCA.

"Well, you've been asking for something new on the air, and the big man delivers. Tonight, our own Star-Spangled Collector will face off against the Legendary Ghost of Ottawa in live combat.

"Tim, I won't lie to you, this fight has peaked everyone's interest. The Collector is widely known for besting those claiming to be the best, but the Ghost of Ottawa, man, he's best you can get. There are two events and let me tell you, things just got interesting. Their armies will fight first, and then, it'll be the Collector vs the Ghost, in solo combat."

"The Collector has his work cut out for him, no disrespect to the Collector, but the Ghost of Ottawa is a monster, looking over everything we've been given, the Ghost has a ratio of over 2 thousand confirmed kills and zero losses. The Collector is only at 100. Despite this, bets on the Collector wiping the floor with the Ghost are still very high."

"And the bell has rung, and the two armies have met in the middle."

"Anything goes in this match, fight till either side either surrenders or is killed off."

The Ghost and Richardson take their positions in a box above their armies, then all hell breaks loose. The HA troopers step up and defend their position, while the QC Army makes its push. Brass falls from the spinning miniguns and the belt-fed machineguns used by the Remnant Army.

"Hold the line troops! The Ghost is counting on us!!"

"Release the Auditor, let's crush this now."

With that order, a platinum-plated automaton marches towards the Remnants position, but the Auditor is met by a well-upgraded Liberty Bell. Without hesitation she uses her Atomic-Annie knuckles punching a nuclear blast into the Auditor's head killing it.


"NOW! ADVANCE! FOR FREEDOM!" yelled General Barbara

"FOR FREEDOM!" yelled the other Remnant Soldiers as they push their attackers back.

"Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness are the rights of every American Citizen." said Liberty Bell as she made her way with the troops.

"Orders General?"

"No Quarter, No Prisoners."

"Folks, we just got word that the Remnant Army has given the No Quarters, No Prisoners order. Things just got real of the home team.

"Shit, Release Dominion Defender, hopefully he can buy us time."

The Golden mech had been made into an automaton after its defeat at the hands of Liberty Bell. He marched toward them, cannons and lasers firing at Liberty Bell. He didn't let up, the automaton walked up and punched Liberty in the face, causing her to stumble backwards, managing to keep her balance.

"Sergeant! Bring up the Rail Sledge!"

"Yes ma'am!"

From the rear of the Remnant Army ranks, a tank moved up and lined its odd-looking barrel at Dominion Defender.

"Darrel, what do you suppose comes from that?"

"Not sure, but whatever it is, it'll be interesting.

The tank, codenamed "Rail Sledge", charges its shot and fires an Electromagnetic Punch Shot or EPS. The tungsten bolt punches a large hold through the chest of the Defender. Liberty swings her hammer at the hole, hitting dead center causing all the explosive shards left in his chest to erupt into a fiery explosion.

The Defender crumples to a knee, only to have Liberty grab him by the back of the neck.

"You took my sister from me, and an attack on one American, results in the destruction of he who caused it."

Liberty fires her focused laser through the Defender, the gold began melting and revealing key components only to be reduced to ash by Liberty's laser.

Well Tim, I can no doubt declare that the Remnant Army has won this battle."

"Yes, and with that bell, that mean the Remnant Army took no prisoners Darrel, looks like this sets the stage for the big fight."