Fortress Americana

As Delegates began arriving, they were greeted by the metal arch reading, "Fortress Americana" As they entered the gates, the delegates and their peoples left their weapons at the gate per the demands of the Americans and the request of the Prince.

Inside the Fortress city, the delegates were surprised to find the American were living better than they were. They were also greeted by Liberty Bell testing her laser firing systems.

"Alright Liberty, go ahead and begin the test."

The automaton targets a pile of scrap metal and fires her focused laser, melting the pile as if it was nothing. Then she turned to the Delegates.

"The failures of government only drives us to do better." She turns back to the target and obliterates it with a MOAB.

"Very good Liberty Bell, now back to the gantry for diagnostic tests."

Once the delegates actually made it inside, they were escorted to the cafeteria where they were seated, and the meal was served. A seasoned steak with potatoes and a glass of wine. "Enjoy your meal." The chef stated as she walked back into the kitchen.

As for the leaders, they ate outside.

'Why aren't we inside, and why is our food in a bag?" asked one

"Commander Ghost shared with me some wisdom in this. "For if leaders eat well and their people starve, what kind of leader is that?" So tonight, we will be eating what the Americans have eaten, along with their leader. Your peoples are being served Steak, potatoes with a glass of wine. They have traveled far and wide to be here, so they deserve the best wouldn't you agree?"

The leaders looked at him then to the Ghost who opened his ration and had begun eating. The others followed suit, and they took their first few bites, the Ghost spoke up. "Remember this taste, remember how the food is, how brittle the crackers are, so when you decide to make a choice, remember this is what your people will get while you dine like kings. My people and I have shared this meal many times, hardships arise, and leader want the best. Here, I eat this while they eat like kings, that keeps me reminded of what I am fighting for."

The others look at each other and eat away, the wince while trying to eat the crackers, the stale, dry taste of them reminding each of them that they were only leaders because their people chose to listen to them.

After their meals, details of the alliance was hammered out, each of them would contribute something of trade to the group as a whole. The Ghost made it clear his military would not be on the table for trade, nor would their technology or land.

As they spoke, they carried on late into the night, none of knew trouble was brewing with the other clans. They were pissed they'd been kicked out of the alliance and they wanted revenge. Fortunately for them, they had made an ally that would help them get it.