The Star Spangled Inferno: Below The Surface

Over the next few days, the 451st would enter a campaign of warfare that had been called total war in the past. Recently promoted Captain Luke and Phoenix Company had been holding the Supers back, the space men couldn't advance, their only choice was to retreat.

They had been hunting them down across the woods, however, thanks to their new radio, echoes from the dark side of the moon were finally being heard. Explosion across the moon could be seen in the night sky. The invasion of Earth had begun, the lunar base the American Empire had commissioned all those years ago had been serving a greater purpose that would ultimately work against the Americans.

Luke and the 451st watched as the sky became filled with invasion forces, The Ghost watched as they began descending upon the clans. The clans had already begun making their way to Fortress Americana when the first crafts landed and revealed hundreds of warriors armed to the teeth and eager to take a bite of their new playthings.

"Luke, we can't hold this wide line, the 451st is beginning to fall back."

"There are still a few hundred clansmen out here, we hold this position and run escort. Nobody gets left behind."

Phoenix company took their positions in a defensive formation, burning hectors for forest in an attempt to keep the invaders from reaching those who were fleeing to Fortress Americana. As they moved slowly the kept their focus of defense, never going on the hunt, simply keeping the predators at bay, protecting the column of refugees.

"Fortress Americana come in, we are arriving at the gates, we have ample refugees, open up."

As the Gates open, the airfield thunders with the roar of warbird engines.

"What's going on Vice Commander?"

"The Ghost and the 192nd are taking the fight to the enemy. Phoenix Company has been redesignated as Fahrenheit Company, like the book, Fahrenheit 451. You are to report the hangar for Operation Orwellian Roswell, once there, you will be promoted, along with your entire company. I will be joining you for this mission. Ready in 15 everyone."

As the new Fahrenheit Company makes their way to the hangar, Juno and Liberty Bell are prepping for transport as well. "What the hell is going on?"

"We're all going into this battle, the Ghost is transporting a new kind of bomb, nuclear, something way above even my pay grade. He's asked for Liberty and I to be deployed with everyone."

"A new nuke? Things just got interesting. 451st, load up, we have no time to waste."

Their FAHA-90 were equipped with jet packs, as they loaded up into helicopters and C-130's they realized this mission would be critical for them all to survive into the next era.