
My head was pounding by time I finally paused, sighing heavily as I put down the book. The stack on the table was all but gone, only one book remaining on the surface. All three of us had spent the better part of the afternoon searching for any mention of Cerviel or a missing deity, only pausing to take the occasional break for our eyes. So far we hadn't been able to find any mention of either, not even in the book about Adam. That alone was interesting to me, considering how angels were meant to be creations of Adam and Jinx and Lee agreed it was strange. 

"I need something to drink." I muttered as I stood, setting my book on the couch beside me. The witch and pixie merely made quiet noises of acceptance and I walked into the kitchen, immediately setting the kettle on the stove. I leaned against the counter as I waited for the water to boil, closing my eyes as I considered all that I had learned from the books I had read.