
There was an audible squeak as I pushed the door open, almost wishing I had dark vision as I looked into the church. I could barely make out the shape of broken pews and a tilted pulpit as well as two more doorways in the back of the building.

"How well can you see?" I looked up as the vampire stood beside me, scanning the building as I had done. Thanks to both his bloodlines, it was likely he could see a lot better than me. After all, the Underworld only had artificial light, which was why Luc could stay awake longer without having to succumb to the death that overtook him on Earth. The same was true of being in Heaven; with no night, vampires were rendered constantly dead, and it was that fact that had made rescuing him all those years ago so difficult.

"Not very." I admitted, squinting even more as I tried to see. "I guess I probably shouldn't pull out my phone."