
"Now there is a deity," Azger smiled as they stepped back from me, examining their handiwork as I stood in front of the full-length mirror. They had opted to move the one from the bathroom to my room, saying it would help with any adjustments that they might have needed to be made. And of course, once I had the outfit on, the Hier Apparent saw several different changes they wanted to make. "I would say it's my best, but I've already done better."

"If you haven't, you need to get to work." was my only reply as I took in my appearance, unable to help the smile on my face. The red and black gloves disappeared underneath the edge of the short red jacket, and I pulled on the train connected to the corset. Although the corset itself was black with gold and red accents, a red train connected at the hip, helping to alleviate some of its restrictive nature, "My sister deserves only your best."