Chapter 10: She Has to Tell Someone

Hailey had no idea how she was going to do that with her promise to Noah, but she didn’t say anything to her boss. They hung up and Hailey frowned.

“Problem?” Noah asked.

Hailey shook herself. “No, I don’t think so.”

“Is your boss happy?” he asked.

He leaned on a wall inside the hangar, his legs crossed at his ankles.

“Happy might be an understatement,” Hailey said.

The woman wouldn’t stay happy if Hailey didn’t deliver a scoop on Noah. She’d figure that out later. She couldn’t betray him right off. She looked him over. The man could have shoved her out of the plane at any time. Instead, he protected her and then made the situation even better when he found out who she was.

She couldn’t betray him that easily.

Her mind searched for a solution, but she knew she’d come up with one at some point. Not right now that the man in question was staring at her with a bemused smile on his face. He was known for that look and it probably charmed the pants off many women.