Chapter 48: Noah Finishes Filming

Noah asked a crew member to bring Hailey to the set. She’d never seen him act and he was excited for her to be there. Even if he never planned to make a movie again, he wanted to share this with her. He wanted to share everything with her, but the contact had held him back. That was ending and then he could tell her how he truly felt.

His heart leaped in his chest at the idea that he and Hailey could begin a true life together. No contract. No lying. He couldn’t wait to bring her back to Tennessee and work out the logistics of them being together.

He could build a house for her father on their property. He would do anything for Hailey. He wanted to spend his life making her happy and if she needed her father close then he would accommodate.

The crew member came back. “I can’t find her.”

“Maybe she was in the restroom.”

The crew member shook his head. “Cassandra said she’d seen her walking towards the parking lot.”