
During World War 3, a scientist named Ora Petroz invented a new weapon called the Pneumonium Nuke.

Its devastating effects led to widespread destruction in many parts of the world.

The blast caused a form of paralysis called neuroshock, which left many people paralyzed in a thousand kilometer from the blast range.

As a result, the Neuroshock Blaster was invented, which was later banned due to its high lethal dosage of radiation that left dangerous remnants.


"Neuroshock Blaster..."

"Do you think you can ready it's blue print Nano?"I asked all while keeping my mind engaged with another matter.


"Very nice, and you can heal cancer and fight against cellular radiation?"

[That is correct master Noah.]

I looked at the bottom of the archaic computer screen.

This old machine belonged to the original Noah Grey. It had found its way to the academy hostel, courtesy of his uncle Ethan.

After the tragic loss of his parents, Noah's life veered off course. Ethan, his adoptive uncle, stepped in to offer the care and oversight Noah desperately needed. They weren't related by blood, but Ethan fully embraced the role of a guardian. As for his parents' death... I wasn't really sure how it happened. The memory was...rather foggy. Broken, fragmented.

Noah's family life was kind of complicated... He had an aunt and two sisters who harbored a palpable dislike for him. But despite the familial discord, Ethan remained a steadfast figure in Noah's life.



"Roughly around five months are left before that incident."

"Pha...!" I let out a deep sigh as I racked my brain to formulate some kind of plan.

"That stupid werewolf vampire couple...tch! I would definetly blast their asses."

"Anyway..." I quickly refocused my attention and looked at the app displaying on my screen.

"It took less time than I expected. Chess...umm? Well...let's just..."

I moved the cursor and tapped [Upload!]


"Dud tudu tudu tudu turu..."

I hummed with satisfaction while contemplating the revenue that chess would bring in.

I stopped and saw the door infront of me. [Class A1-1st year].


"That bitch Freya is behind this door. I definetly wanna avoid her."

Pat!—A slap fell on my back.

"What's up partner?"

I glanced to see who it was.

"James? What'sup?"

"Well, your news has spread in the entire class...that's what'sup!"


With a deep sigh, I placed my palm on my face, knowing that this was inevitable. "Tsk!"

"Do you still want to be friends despite knowing about my reputation?" I asked as we entered the room and engaged in small talk.

"I don't pay attention to baseless rumors," he reassured.

Thinking something to himself James nodded his head as he let out, "Freya Fetel was it..."

"I am familiar with that dumb bitch."

"Ha? you know her?" I asked somewhat bemused by his reply.

He continued," Yeah, I remember her from the pre-school tournament. Freya Fetel from the House of Fetels"

"She's got 2 brain cells and they are fighting for the third place"

Placing a hand on my shoulder and nodding reassuringly, he added, "Don't worry partner I trust you more than I trust her."

Damn, I was moved by his words.

Even though everyone was avoiding me, this guy stood by my side!


Suddenly, James was knocked back two desks as a fireball was shot.

"What did you just say?!" The fire ball was followed an irritating voice.

Freya stood before me, another fire ball already in her hand.

James slowly stood up from the ground.

He sneered,"Oho, look! The Karen is here."

The commotion that followed caught the attention of everyone in the classroom.

But before it could escalate any further, the door to the class room opened and in walked professor Riya.

Everyone quickly headed back to their seats.

Professor Riya probably already had a guess of what transpired but she didn't gave a flying fuck.

"Okay now starting with roll call, Rank 2000, Choi-Iseul!"


"Rank 1999, Ade Akinyemi"


"Rank 1998, Ezekiel Basilio"





"Rank 1873, Anastasia Smirnova"


"Rank 1872, Noah Grey"

"Present Modumb."

I intentionally mispronounced the 'madam' part.

While it was clear that she had an idea of what had transpired, she didn't punish Freya.

She looked at me for a second with a raised brow, but I kept my expression placid. So she just continued without any further comment.




"Rank 1300, Nijah Pim"





"Rank 1069, Jamese Reeves"

"Present Modumb"





"Rank 10,Chen wang"


"Rank 7, Kai Lee"





"Rank 1, Aeravat Indrath"


She looked at Aeravat with a kind smile before quickly refocusing her gaze on the class as she got up from her seat.

"Starting next week, your electives will commence. If you have any doubts, you can discuss them with me or any other instructor," she announced.

"Furthermore, from today onwards, each of you will have to join a club. Your club activities will be monitored, and based on your merits, you might even earn extra credits."

Arcanum Blades Academy had clubs.

The former council of minstry in hero program doubted that too much serious engagement for fifteen year old kids is bound to create problems.

That's why clubs were introduced.

According to my knowledge of the novel, Arcanum Blades Academy had around 80 different clubs.

"The academy offers 80 different clubs...." Professor Riya confirmed my info.

Anyway, out of these 80 clubs, the main cast only participated in three: the cooking club, the travel club, and the gaming club.

Of course, I wasn't planning on joining either of the three.

Simply put, I am gonna completely cut myself off from the main cast.

And honestly, joining clubs wasn't mandatory, so I wasn't willing to join any of them.

I had other things to handle, for example making some money.

Also, I needed to look into the matter regarding Necrotombs. Plans for future projects, including hidden arts and treasures in secret dungeons. I also had to work on my chess app and figure out where all the mysteries are and how to get to them. Most importantly...I needed to research the history of this world, especially anything about mass teleportation or cases of reincarnation and transmigration.

Surely, I couldn't be the first one?

I had too many things to focus on.

I didn't had time to follow the main cast's ass around.

Now coming to elective.

It was mandatory to choose an elective course, and classes were set to start the following week.

In my mind, I had already decided to take chemistry as my elective for two specific reasons:

First, none of the main cast members were present in the chemistry elective, or any other student for that matter.

Therefore, I knew I could have isolation there.

Secondly, I knew someone whom I could take advantage of.


Third person's POV:

The biting chill of the night air bit at any exposed skin. The moon hung high, its light dancing with the Drakoria constellation and the lone Nerith star shining to the north.

Such cold kept most people indoors, especially this late.

Arcanum's gymnasiums were no exception, mostly empty.

Aeravat Indrath pushed open the heavy doors of the gymnasium, his muscles still aching from a heavy workout. He read his watch, it was past midnight.

At this hour, usually no one else would be around.

But then he heard it—a faint, rhythmic clanging of metal.

Curious, he followed the sound.

"There shouldn't be anyone else here?" Aeravat said, his footsteps echoed in the empty hallway.

Entering the training gym, he saw rows of polyfibre dummies lined up like silent guards. The training gym was relatively small compared to the A-21 training ground. Its cold stone floor felt harsh against his tired, bare feet.

The clanging grew louder and more regular.

Then he saw him: a boy with alabaster skin and jet-black hair, moving with a bored nonchalance. He swung a machete in irregular arcs, the blade slashing through the air with an erratic hiss. Sweat dripped from his brow, his clothes clinging to his damp skin, creating a strange contrast with his lazy movements despite his apparent lack of interest.

"Is he from our class?" Aeravat spoke, watching the boy's odd routine. He followed a strict pattern: slash, slash, thrust, followed by some mutterings to himself and a random mix of kicks and punches, all done with a curious lack of willingness.

Aeravat noticed the boy's wrist, where a dark red stone bracelet shone. It tugged at his memory, though he couldn't remember why or where. It just felt familiar.

Unable to ignore his curiosity, Aeravat approached. "Hey! Is that an Art you're practicing?"

The boy stopped suddenly, his head tilting slightly as if deciding whether to acknowledge Aeravat's existence.

Noah's eyes were dark and unreadable. His gaze seemed to see right through Aeravat.

After a long and awkward pause, Noah spoke. "No."

His voice was soft but clear.

"Um, I'm Aeravat Indrath. And you're?" Aeravat smiled, extending his hand for a handshake.

Noah glanced at the hand before offering a faint, indifferent smile. "Grey. Noah Grey. And yes, I know you."

"Uh, you know me...we're classmates, right?" Aeravat asked, attempting small talk to steer the conversation towards his bracelet.

"Unfortunately so," Noah sighed without a change in his expression. He packed up his things with calm, almost ritualistic movements, then walked past Aeravat and left the gym, leaving Aeravat standing awkwardly.

His outstretched hand remained unshaken, and the forced smile plastered on his face as a wave of humiliation slowly made its way to his heart.