Change of plans[3]

[Enemies approaching, 50m for contact.] Suddenly, I heard Nano's warning. Its mechanical monotone was neither male, nor female—a splash of cold water to my fantasy of a sexy feminine AI assistant. Well, Nano was not powered by an A.I, instead it ran on the system my father, John Grey, created. A technology of another kind.

I squatted behind a towering tree, its branches rustling above me in anticipation.

In my right hand was a white furry glove—the dart gun of my own design. A small creation of a lazy mind—or brilliant? I wouldn't know. But I would prefer brilliant.

What should I call it? Pewpew pistol?

Well the name didn't matter in the moment.

The glove had five metallic darts, each coated in fentanyl.

Fentanyl—the chemical had sedative properties, its effect determined by the dose administered. Too much could be lethal, while a small dose will induce nausea or drowsiness.

I teleported on top of a towering tree branch for better view and position. I was the sniper—of this small range, that is.

Nano's voice warned once again—

[Enemies closing in, 10m for contact.]

A surge of nerves coursed through me as I saw the group below, well aware of their reputation in their respective classes.

These guys may not have had any

prominent roles in the novel's story, but their strength was unquestionable.

It puzzled me though, why didn't they appear in any of the novel's arc?

Oh well, I was the one who wrote the novel...who should I even seek answers from? Noah Grey?

But then again, was this world really just a novel?

Sighing in mild frustration, I focused my attention back to the scene beneath me.

Dozens of students, unaware of my presence, passed beneath the tree I was on.

My lack of mana capacity, rendered me incapable of absorbing atmospheric mana. In a way this concealed traces of my presence.

In my augmented vision, dots and boxes materialized above the heads of the students.

Soon one box above a tall mascular guy turned a vivid shade of red, and a plethora of information about him – his class, designation, family background, and role, began to rolled in my vision.

[Name: Adin Smith. Class A3, designation...]

"Ah," I silently observed Adin Smith, the leader of class A3, as he strode beneath my elevated vantage point.

My gaze narrowed with focused intent.

Aiming my right hand, clad in the furry glove, as if it was a gun, I took aim at Adin.

In that precise moment, another box materialized above the head of a nearby guy—

[Kenta Shiro, leader of class A4...]

Steeling my resolve, I pressed my thumb finger, akin to pulling a trigger.

A split second later, the mechanism in the glove activated, launching a razor-sharp steel dart through the air with a resounding—𝐵𝒉𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑢!

The dart found its mark in Adin's back with lethal precision.

"Ah!" With a cry of surprise and pain, Adin doubled over, his hand instinctively reaching to touch at his back—where the dart had kissed its mark.

"What the hell was that?!" He growled, his voice laced with irritation.

Reacting swiftly, I teleported, away from the the tree branch and into the concealment of a nearby brush.

The brush was bug enough to hide me.

Peering from inside, I raised my head catching Arisha on my sight, the leader of class A5.

He was standing infront of me, his back turned at my face.

Despite being a (F+), he exuded an intimidating presence.

As Adin kept diverting everyone's attention, Kenta rushed to his aid.

In that moment, I trained my pewpew pistol on Arisha, focusing for a precise shot.

With a swift motion and a air splitting sound, the dart cut through the air, finding its target squarely in his back.

"Gah!" With a deep, guttural growl, Arisha recoiled in pain and irritation upon being kissed by the dart.

Not giving much fuck about his reaction, I aimed and shot another dart, this time at Kenta.

"Fuck?!" Kenta anguished a scream, his cry pierced through the air as he leapt from his position, writhing in agony.

"Another trap?!" one of the students exhaled his worry, as a wave of unease and apprehension rippled through the crowd.

-"Everyone be careful!"

-"Nobody moves! Nobody moves!"

Panic spreaded through the crowd.

Satisfaction stirred in me, a strange sensation gnawing at my core as I observed the chaos.

For some reason, I kind of liked chaos.

But my job here was done so I teleported, away.


Third Person's POV(Point Of View):

Joe lived a relatively normal life, with his father working as the head of a security department and his mother fulfilling the role of a homemaker.

His existence could be described as satisfactory, possessing average potential but luckily he was accepted into Arcanum Blades academy.

If he were ever asked about his happiest moment in life, it would be the day he received the news of his admission to the academy.

Everything was going smoothly for him, that is, until a few months ago.

Upon learning that he was assigned to class A2, Joe felt excitement and joy for his upcoming academy years.

But, his happiness soon turned to sadness when he found himself to be the target of bullying from Myung Joon.

Anyway, currently Joe was in the midst of the dungeon trial.

He was stationed behind class A2.

His task was to tail them every 50m, waiting before following them again.

Myung Joon gave him this job, claiming it would be beneficial in case other classes decides to ambush.

Reluctantly, Joe complied, he couldn't afford to go against Myung Joon.

"Ah, screw that guy," Joe muttered in frustration.

"Screw who?" A calm voice suddenly sounded from behind him.

Joe's heart skipped a beat. He didn't expect anyone else to be stationed near him.

So who-

Slowly turning around, he was met with a pair of piercing black eyes that seemed to penetrate his very soul, causing an overwhelming sense of unease to wash over him.

"W-who...?" Joe stammered, taken aback by the presence of the pale boy standing before him.


With bravery fueling his actions, Joe unsheathed his sword, poised and ready to attack.

Judging by the arm band of the guy, Joe knew he was from the enemy class.

But before he could make a move, the mysterious guy blurred in front of him.

In a swift motion, the stranger pressed his left hand against Joe's face, effectively silencing any potential retaliation.

At the same time, his right hand tightly gripped Joe's sword, rendering him defenseless.

"I'm about to do something and it will hurt. I want you to," as the pale guy said that much, his left hand started emanating a strange yellow lightning.

Pain surged through Joe's body, overwhelming his senses as the agonizing pain consumed him.

"Scream," The figure commanded, releasing his grip on Joe's mouth.

"Ah! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!"




The piercing cry reverberated through the jungle, catching the attention of nearby students within a hundred-meter radius.

They swiftly mobilized, instinctively drawn towards the source of the distress call.