I reached the park earlier than the note had said and now I was just walking around aimlessly looking for something to do. Just then I heard someone calling my name, I turned but only to see Vincent. Great! What exactly does this guy want and what exactly is he doing here and how did he know where I would be?! I tried walking away and pretending like I didn't see him but he caught up to me.

"Go away." I told him but he just stood there, what are you a fucking statue?

"No I came all the way over here because well I couldn't really get in a word the other day."

"I don't care and I really don't want you here so uh how about you just I don't knowww take a hint and leave."

"Are you waiting for my brother? My sister said you'd be here and look sorry to crush your little bubble but if you ever thought even just for 1 second that my idiotic brother of all people somewhat...liked you oh gosh do I feel bad for you. He's not someone you wanna be with. Just a warning."

"Oh what and you are? You're not some Angel you know. Leave already I don't wanna talk to yo-" I couldn't finish my sentence because in that moment Vincent kissed me. I immediately pulled away and wondered why he'd randomly just do that. I looked into his eyes and saw a smirk on his face. He was looking behind me, I looked behind me and oh no. Luciano was there, looking at us from afar. When he saw me looking he turned around and left. Fuck. I turned back to Vincent. "Fuck you!" I then once again slapped him, this time only harder.

I left him to run after Luciano but I was too late. He was already gone, I pulled out my phone and tried calling him, no answer so I called again, and again and again. He wasn't picking up. I texted him trying to explain everything, no reply. I decided to call his sister instead. Amara picked up and I asked him where Luciano was.

"He's at our dorm but he's not ok. Can you come over please?" I agreed and walked back home with my eyes getting a bit teary. I really messed up, I shouldn't have even said anything to Vincent. I'm really starting to fall for Luciano even after all that happened, what he said yesterday...it was so sweet and he's not that bad once you get to know him. He does have a kind heart. But he only shows it to a few people. I know how much he hates his brother and this is just making things worse.

When I reached the dorm, I found Luciano sitting on the couch. He was staring at a picture that we took together once and smiling whilst a few tears fell from his face.

"Can I please talk to you?" I asked him, he didn't respond, he only nodded.


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