"What are we?"

"Well I'm not really sure...no one's asked anyone out officially."

"Ok then. Will you be...Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Aww of course I will. Just as long as this doesn't turn into a stupid bet again. Can you promise me that?"

"I promise and if I do end up being a jerk at any point you have my full permission to make it known."

"That's so sweet, don't worry I will! Let's hope that it won't happen too often though."

"I'm not that bad come on."

"You are not that bad? Huh. Well that's something, I'll take your word for it but actions speak far more than words."

"I have to say though, I want to kiss you again."

"Me too..." We ended up kissing again and the kissing then turned into a whole make out session which almost turned into something...more but it was once again interrupted by his sister.

"Wow! You guys are at it again! Well all I just wanted to say that Dad wanted to have dinner once again and you can finally bring someone who's actually...you know what I mean. Anyways yay right! I'll leave you two alone now. Enjoy whatever is going on here." She then left the room thankfully. I turned to look back at Luciano smiling at him.

"This is perfect!" I pulled him in for a hug. That's when I heard it. He was breathing in my smell? Okkk.

"You smell really good today, and you look really pretty today, and you give the best hugs..."He pulled me closer into him, and started kissing my neck. He started off slowly, only little kisses which slowly turned into more passionate ones. This went on for a while, I kept moaning through out. Fuck, he's really good at this. He then pulled away and looked at my neck, a smirk landed on his face. "You have a beautiful neck as well as beautiful moans."

"You gave me a hickey, didn't you?"

"Go check for yourself." I went to the bathroom and checked, he left a hickey alright and it wasn't just any normal one, it was a big one. How am I gonna hide this! This was a bad idea, I should have known. I've never had one before, fuck how long does it take for it to go away. I wanna cry, that was stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I saw Luciano leaning against the wall.

"It's fucking huge!" He smirked. "You need to fix this!"

"I'm sorry...but you seemed like you were actually enjoying yourself. I heard those moans."

"Yeah but I've never...I've never done that before!" He came closer and pulled me in for a hug.

"It'll go away soon, if it doesn't then you can use makeup, say that you burnt it with some hair product or just say that it was a hickey made by me."

"The last ones probably not the best. But ok thanks for the help. Let me guess, this isn't your first time?"

"Yeah and my sisters kinda of a help too with girl things. I think it suits you." He pulled away from me and turned me around to look at the mirror. "See, gorgeous."

"You know, you can be really romantic when you want."

"I know. My best quality."

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