At Luciano's House

We came to the house a little earlier than everyone to help set everything up and soon enough the guests all came in. We were now in the living room sitting in silence.

"Why won't anyone talk?" Adrianna whispered to me.

"It's been a while." I replied back, take 7 years as a while.

"So is that your kid?" Luciano's dad asked, "Which whore did you knock up this time?"

"Dad don't say that! There are children here."

"What does whore mean?" Adrianna asked Luciano's dad.

"Ask your mother." Adri looked over to me expecting an answer which I did not give.

"Ok è abbastanza, tu sei il motivo per cui tutto è andato storto nella mia vita! Ora è stata abbastanza gentile realmente perdonarli e questo è che cosa!? Disrespect lei ANCORA? Dovresti andartene e non rivolgerti mai più a nessuno in quel modo." ("Ok that is enough, you are the reason why everything went wrong in my life! Now she has been kind enough to actually forgive you and this is what you do!? Disrespect her AGAIN? You should leave and don't you ever to speak to any one of them like that ever again.")

"Chi è che mi ha appena detto che, è una nuova ragazza ogni settimana."

("Who is she just tell me that, it's a new chick every week.")

"Gabriella. Te la ricordi? La ragazza con cui mi hai fatto rompere? L'unica ragazza a cui tenevo davvero...e mi hai fatto passare tutto quel dolore per cosa?" ("Gabriella. Remember her? The girl who YOU made me break up with? The one girl who I actually cared about...and you made me go through all of that heartbreak for what?")

"Oh...Gabriella? Wow it's been forever since we met, after I made that dumb choice, everything for this guy kinda went downhill. You did a lot for this guy. I'm sorry. I can leave if you want."

"Yeah please leave you dipshit, disrespectfully I hope you have a shit day." He seemed somehow surprised by my comment as he stood up to go. I really can't believe he called me a whore in front of my own kid. Some people never learn, I'll be good if I never see that guy again.

"I am so sorry about that." He turned over to hug me.

"Yeah me too our dad is not the best." Amara said.

"It's fine he's gone now. It seems like you needed to let that all out."

"I did, Adrianna, don't listen to a thing that guy said, he's bad."

"I had a hunch."

"Ok Adri go say hi to them, that's your aunt." I told her

"Hi, my name is Adrianna Amara Rosa, Is your name Amara too? My momma said something about that yesterday."

"Yes my name is Amara, this is my husband Julien. You are very chatty, I think you'd get along with Evelyn here, she just turned 6. How old are you?"

"Hi Julien, Hi Evelyn. I'm 7."

"Why don't you and Evelyn get to know each other while we and your parents catch up."

"Ok come on Evelyn." Adri then left with Eve leaving us two couples alone to talk.

"She's so cute. Ok Julien meet Gabriella she was my college roommate and my old best friend."

"Hi, nice to meet you, despite what her dad said, I am not a whore or anything like that."

"I believe that, their dad is kinda an asshole to most people these days." Julien said.

With that a whole conversation sparked between all of us as we got to catch up.

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