Chapter 162: Demonic Shootout (2)

A special Thanks to my Divine Eminence tier patrons pure & DeagonsRise for supporting me on Patreon ~~~///(^v^)\\\~~~ Thanks for the immense support, everyone.

A special Thanks to my Celestial Emperor tier patrons Nathaniel Burdett, Nathan VanHorn & Chamar Ellis for supporting me on Patreon ~~~///(^v^)\\\~~~ Thanks for the immense support, everyone. 


"When you are backed against the wall, break the goddamn thing down."

- Harvey Specter, (Suits)


<(Bruce Wayne POV)> 

"Are you certain this is the person we're searching for? Maybe Cortana made a mistake due to a low-resolution traffic camera or something similar?" Nyssa inquired while arching one of her eyebrows as if she couldn't believe how we had arrived at our current situation. 

The reason why she was asking me that? Blegh Blegh A middle-aged man clad in a green army cargo jacket, loose cargo pants, and sporting a military-style haircut and a very thick chin was voraciously puking his guts out into a dumpster without a care in the world. 

"Unfortunately, Cortana is never wrong. This is the guy we need." I answered with a tired exhale before looking back at the man who still didn't seem to have realized that we were watching him. "You Tommy Monaghan?" I asked to get his attention.

"Huh? Who's asking?" The man for the first time since we have been observing him, stopped throwing up before slightly raising his head to look up at us as if he was mentally getting ready to run. "If Tommy owes you something, then no, I have never even heard of that guy." He answered with a straight face before wiping his mouth with the sleeves of his jacket.

"We were looking for you because we need your help. You used to be a hitman before, right? Word has it that you even utilized the alias Hitman when you were active in the underworld. Quite a stupid name if you ask me but then again, people seem to just love strange and stupid names as their aliases nowadays." She muttered the last part while giving me a glance from the side of her eyes. "Anyway, we want to hire you for your services. So, tell us how much it would cost." Nyssa didn't seem to want to waste her words on the mess of a man in front of us. She already knew everything Cortana had informed me about the person and since she knew we needed his help; she knew exactly how to get it.

"Did Constantine send you two? If so, tell him that I already repaid him for that favor he did me last time. I don't owe him anything after literally going to hell and back for him." He frowned.

"No, we don't know any Constantine." I replied, although now that I have heard of him, I might need to look into him later, "We are not here to cash in on a favor. We can pay your real money... I heard you are in some debt from your previous employers. Maybe I can help you get a clean slate." I offered, knowing that this would definitely get his attention. After all, I knew exactly how poor his financial condition was for the last few months.

"I don't kill people for money anymore, only bounty hunting stuff. With so many people wanting to hire me to get rid of their enemies, I think I might have to change my name from the Hitman to the Bounty Hunter to let people know that." He snorted before continuing, "Plus, I owe three million dollars to a major Gotham crime family. I don't think giving me a clean slate comes as cheap as you expect." He chuckled self-depreciatingly as if paying back his debts was a mere pipedream.

"I don't want you to kill a human being. If I wanted someone dead, there are people much more effective and professional than you. What I need your help with is permanently eliminating a demon hitman named Mawzir. I know he has been trying to hunt you down for the last month. He has been following you everywhere around the city, doing his best to take you by surprise. He even came really close to succeeding multiple times as well but your innate danger sense or whatever power you have saved you from certain death every time, resulting in you either escaping narrowly with your life intact or the Mawzir doing a strategic retreat before waiting a few days to attack you again. Recently, it attacked me too for some reason. So, I need you to give me all the intel you have on that creature, its strengths, its weaknesses, its history, everything." I revealed the real reason why I needed his help. "As for whether I will be able to pay you enough money to give you a clean slate or not, well..., did I stutter?"

"... You two must be some bigshots, aren't you? Should have figured it out from the start since my X-ray vision doesn't work on your clothes. In fact, I can't even feel any stray thoughts or emotions from you two as well which means either you two aren't exactly normal humans as well... But then again, it's not my place to suspect my newest employers." He grinned while taking out a thick cigar from one of the pockets in his jacket, making it clear that he had accepted the job.

Nyssa, however, didn't look so thrilled at Tommy's acceptance. As a matter of fact, she looked like she wanted to kill him for some reason. "X-ray vision? You mean you can see through clothes? Did you just use that on me, you goddamn son of a bit...?"

"Don't worry, he won't be able to see anything even if he gives it his all, Nyssa. The nanotechnology I used in designing our clothing emulators is shielded from X-rays, Infrared rays, gamma rays, microwave rays, UV-light radiation, and most radio waves. His powers won't work on us as long as we are using our nanotech clothing emulators." I interrupted her rant with a whisper in her ears. " As for you, Tommy. why don't you cut the crap and prove that you are worth the money I am spending on you."

"With pleasure. Normally I take an advance before I do something for my clients. But since this is personal for me too, I will trust your word. However, before I tell you what the Mawzir is, I need to tell you about why it's here. You see, a few months ago, I had to literally go to... hell, to help one of my friends get out of a jam. While I was there, I had to kill a lot of demons, and quite surprisingly, I came under the radar of a faction called the Arkonnone, Hell's Lords of the Gun. They are like the sheriff's department of Hell. Well, turns out they really liked my gunslinging skills. They wanted to recruit me into their ranks for which I had to cease being a human first. So naturally, I said no. But they were too much of a pussy to take a no peacefully. They sent out their elite agent and hitman, the Mawzir behind me to either convince me to take the job or to hunt me down, kill me, and then take my soul back to hell.

The Mawzir is not one being, but an abomination created after combining the putrid and corrupted souls of 5 different nazi butchers whose atrocities knew no bounds when they were alive. It no longer has any weakness after it was strengthened by Hell's Lords of the Gun. It can't be exorcised since a couple of decades ago it hid a part of its being in something else to construct a permanent anchor to the Earthly realm. We could try to find and destroy the anchor but knowing the Mawzir, it is probably a hundred feet under some abandoned forest or mine that nobody even remembers. That creature can't be killed or destroyed as long as that anchor exists or as long as the Hell's Lords of the Gun need its services. The only way to get rid of it permanently was an ancient relic, a gun that according to rumors can kill all supernatural demonic beings with a single shot.

But just like I was able to find out about it, the Mawzir did too. The gun supposedly has some sort of enchantment on it that makes it so that it cannot be wielded by a demon and that it can only be passed on but never stolen or snatched from its owner. You will either have to win the gun in a duel, kill the person who owns it, or its owner has to willingly give or sell it to you, only then will one be able to use its power. The Mawzir could not steal it directly, so it plotted and pulled some strings to make sure that it was auctioned by its previous owner and that its price was artificially inflated to a billion dollars so that none but one of its human pawns could buy the gun up for the demon.

By now, the Mawzir should have already gotten its dirty claws on the gun and destroyed it. There is nothing you or I can do anymore but try to hide and run from that damned demon. It has already won. That was why I was having one last night of fun by drinking my sorrows away." He sighed before wearily leaning on the wall behind him. "However, what I don't understand is why that demon went after you. I mean it should be here on a mission to hunt me down, not anyone else, especially if they are two strangers who have no connection with me." 

"So, the Mawzir wants that special gun which can apparently destroy all demonic creatures permanently, the only thing that is a threat to its continued existence. That actually explains a lot, doesn't it, Bruce?" Nyssa grinned as she took a glance at me. As expected, she was able to piece together the entire story quite easily.

"It indeed does. Fate really has a strange way of playing things out." I chuckled before lifting the rifle-gun box in my hands in front of Tommy. "When you were talking about that special gun, were you by any chance talking about the Ace of the Winchesters, the same gun that I bought from an auction a few hours ago for more than a billion dollars after outbidding everyone else there?" I asked with a charming smile.



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