Chapter 12

Chapter 12 I'm fine, thank you

Being able to get the starting position in the first game of the new season, Degan was so excited that he almost carried himself away. If he hadn't been sober, he would have taken his good friend Pacini to the bar for a binge drink up.

When he got home, Degan was still full of excitement. He even held a press conference in a whimsical way, announcing to the world that the new generation of football kings had officially entered the professional league.

However, if he really dared to do that, everyone would probably regard him as a psychopath. As an older brother, Kaka is already on his way to becoming a world footballer, but he has just started. This gap is so easy to bridge , but it doesn't matter, after tomorrow's game, everyone will know Digan's name.

"Hello! Ricardo! I'm Rhodes!"

In the end, Degan couldn't hold back and dialed Kaka's number. He didn't want to show off. In fact, he really had nothing to show off. Kaka is the new prince of AC Milan. Super genius, and he is just a junior.

Kaka also seemed surprised when he received Degan's call. He wanted to call Degan to inquire about the situation in the past two days, but he didn't know what to say, and he was worried about what happened to Degan in Atlanta. frustration.

Fortunately, Digan called first.

"Rod! How is the situation in Atlanta? I heard that Coach Mandolini is very good at motivating young people, and he is also willing to give young people a chance."

Although Degan left Milan, as an older brother, Kaka couldn't help but care about the situation in Atlanta, especially Mandolini.

Digan smiled, lying on the bed, and said in a relaxed tone as much as possible: "Yes! He is really willing to give young people a chance, and he has already given me this chance!"

Kaka was taken aback: "What do you mean!?"

Degan laughed and said, "Tomorrow's game, tomorrow's game I will be the main player! Great! Ricciardo!"

There was a moment of silence on Kaka's side. Just when Digan thought there was a problem with the line and was about to dial again, he heard Kaka on the other side screaming: "Great! This is really great!"

Digan was taken aback and almost couldn't help throwing his head out. Seeing that Kaka was so excited, he felt that it was a bit of a fuss. Isn't it just a first-time start?

"Hey! Hey! Ricardo! Your reaction is a little too big!"

It took Kaka a long time to calm down, and said excitedly: "Rod! This is amazing, really! I'm so proud of you! I~~~~~~ I don't know how to describe my current mood !"

Degan felt a little baffled. Although he was also excited about becoming the main player, he was not like Kaka: "Ricciardo! You think I am~~~~~~ Great! Excellent!?"

Kaka smiled and said: "Of course! Rhodes! No player who has never participated in a professional game can become the main force after three days in the new team, Rhodes! You have done a very remarkable thing." thing, and it's still in Italy!"

Hearing what Kaka said, Degan also felt that he seemed to be really amazing, and couldn't help laughing: "Of course! Ricardo, you should always have full confidence in me. What should I say next? Enthronement line?"

Kaka also laughed. He knew that Digan liked to joke, and said, "Rod! Work hard! I know you can do it, you can do everything you say!"

Deegan laughed: "Yes! I know!"

He doesn't need to be humble, a strong man doesn't need to be humble, that's what sissies do.

"Ricardo! I think you should be careful, I will steal all your limelight in this season!"

Digan suddenly felt that it was a great thing to have a brother like Kaka in his life. He was walking in front of him, and he needed constant encouragement and hard work to catch up. Probably a stimulating effect.

Kaka was silent for a while, then smiled, and said, "Don't dream, our goal this season is the Triple Crown, but Rhodes, I'm still proud of you."

After the two brothers chatted for a few more words, they hung up the phone. Digan needed to get a good night's sleep. By tomorrow, he would conquer Lecce's little pepper.

He seems to have heard the cheers filling the entire Blue Italy stadium, that is, the Atlanta fans are cheering for his wonderful goal. He felt his blood boil, and now he couldn't wait to go to the court to charge.

When Degan was fantasizing about scoring the first goal of the new season for Atlanta, his phone rang. After checking the caller ID, it turned out to be Bosque.

Digan frowned slightly, but still connected: "I'm Rhodes!"

There was a moment of silence on the phone, and then came Bosque's voice: "Are you going to talk to your father with this attitude?"

Still so formal, Deegan felt helpless: "Okay! I'm sorry, Dad! What's the matter! I'm resting!"

"I heard what Ricardo said, Rhodes! I want to tell you~~~~~~~ Work hard!"

Do it well!

what is this?

Even if the neighbor uncle heard the news, he would praise a few words out of politeness and then encourage him, but Bosque only had these three words—work hard!


Digan thinks it should be like this. If that's the case, why do you still have to call, just simply fulfilling the responsibility of a father, so as not to be condemned by conscience?

"I know, of course I know what to do!"

Bosque probably felt uncomfortable talking like this between the father and son, so he changed the subject: "How are you doing over there? If you need it, your mother can go and take care of you!"

"No! Thank you! I'm fine! Let her stay with Ricardo! He needs the company of his family more than I do!"

Digan didn't mean anything malicious when he said this, but he was purely thinking of Kaka. Although Kaka was older, he had been cared for by his parents since he was a child. Dear big boy.

Hearing these words, Bosque couldn't help feeling a pain in his heart, and at the same time he felt angry. He also admitted that he had neglected this young son before, but this was definitely not a reason for Digan to play his temper on him.

"Rodrigo! I think we need to have a good talk!"

Degan smiled mockingly. Even though Bosque couldn't see him, he still wanted to do this: "What are you talking about? About manners? Forget it! I'm not interested in that kind of thing. What I'm interested in now is my future. , and the future, if there is nothing else, I will hang up first, I need to rest before the game starts!"

After Digan finished speaking, he hung up the phone without waiting for Bosque's response, but he felt a sigh in his heart. Compared with Kaka, he needed the warmth of his family more. He got a complete family. Originally, he was full of expectations for his family, but apart from Kaka, he felt more disregard.

The whole family focused on Kaka, but forgot that they had a young son who needed more care and attention.

forget it!

I wasn't Digan in the first place!

The name is just a code name, and the blood relationship is just a coat. The warmth of the family and the care of relatives, it is no big deal to win my life and lose my life.

And I have more important things to do now, use my feet to make the world change because of him!

PS: Regarding the update issue, now I found out that my graffiti work is actually better than my husband's book. He was going to be furious, so I decided to finish this book and completely fainted him. , starting from next week, there will be two updates every day and three updates on Saturday and Sunday. As for the big outbreak, maybe when signing the contract? Of course the editor doesn't pay attention to Miss Ben now! Let's wait and see!