Chapter 31 The Battle of Portugal and Belgium (2)

Chapter 31 The Battle of Portugal and Belgium (2)

In Portugal, there is such a player, he was born in poverty, already known for his talent when he was young, his highlights often appear on youtube, his hairstyle, twisting skills on the court, beautiful goals are well known, He started his career at Sporting Lisbon, where the Portuguese league was already shining brightly at that time, and he played for the top giants in the five major European leagues.

Speaking of this, people may sound the golden retriever of Manchester United, but in fact, the person mentioned is Ricardo Quaresma.

When Jin Maoluo gradually became the best player in the world with his amazing performance year after year, many people have forgotten that Quaresma, who could have been equal to him, at least forgot his talent.

They came out of the Sporting Lisbon youth training at about the same time, and even Quaresma was the young man who was called Figo's successor earlier. At that time, Jin Maoluo was a ball fart and younger brother who followed him.

Looking back at Quaresma's career, at the age of 17, Quaresma had been promoted to the second team of Sporting Lisbon. In the first season, he was like a group of supernovas, playing 28 games and scoring 3 goals. Share the honor of the league and cup double with the team and coach, the Romanian legend Boloni.

At that time, Ronaldo followed closely behind, and he was promoted to the first team a year later. After Quaresma and Golden Mauro also became the team's main force, the then Manchester United assistant coach Queiroz once said: "If you can only choose one of these two talented players, it is extremely difficult. Very good, the team will definitely succeed if you two."

Queiroz is like a magic stick, a bit like "Crouching dragon, phoenix chick, one can make the world safe".

Who is Wolong? Who is Fengchu?

Boloni, who had coached them, once said in an interview: "Quaresma is more talented than Ronaldo. At that time, people expected him to be greater than Ronaldo."

Quaresma has really shined once. During his four years in Porto, the team won three Portuguese Super League championships, and he himself won two Portuguese League Footballer of the Year, and one after another the essence of the video site is also left for him Good name one by one the king of the instep.

But even so, he never left any games worth writing about.

Why is it so nirvana?

There are lovers, and then there are thousands of miles. A thousand-mile horse often exists, but Bole does not.

In 2003, the summer that Golden Mauro moved to Manchester United, Quaresma went to another giant Barcelona at the same time. When Ronaldo experienced under the great Sir Alex Ferguson, Quaresma only had inconsistent playing time and performances, and because of the lack of playing time, he did not bite the strings with the then coach Frank Rijkaard.

When that season ended, the sleazy young man even said, "As long as Rijkaard is still here, he will never play for Barcelona".

This has already proved his arrogance. At that time, Ronaldo was also like this. He never hesitated to show his footwork and not pass the ball. He wanted to win by himself, and he quarreled with Ruud van Nistelrooy because of this.

But in the end, Jin Maoluo changed his mind and became successful under the guidance of Ferguson Ferguson and Portuguese national team coach Scolari.

Quaresma returned to Portugal because of the Deco trade and became the emperor of the country. He never had the opportunity to meet such a great teacher as Ferguson.

Of course, we can't blame everything on the outside, the focus is on the players' own changes, and Quaresma never gave up his habit of dribbling, playing with the outside of his instep, and his personality of being a boss with the head coach. , only the relationship with Porto coach Ferreira is more harmonious.

"He is a very special player with different potential, and everyone enjoys watching him perform." Ferreira even called his apprentice Harry Potter, "Compared to before, he has become a Team player, but I don't want him to lose his identity, otherwise he'll just be an average player. All in all, he's a genius."

In addition to the verbal praise, this coach really loves Quaresma like Ferguson treats Jin Maoluo, but the method is different. He makes Quaresma not need to participate in the defense. In the quick counterattack-based tactics, Perfect use of speed and footwork to score. Ferreira's may not be Bole, but it is definitely the coach who brought Quaresma back to the mainstream.

In Degan's previous life, Quaresma also met a Bole, that is, his fellow magic bird Mourinho. Anyone who is familiar with Mourinho knows that he is a very extreme coach. Let some players work hard to death, and some players can't find their position.

Quaresma is clearly the latter.

Mourinho will not indulge his players like Ferreira. People remember how he integrated Robben and Duff into his tactical system and made his team a highly mobile meat grinder.

From the beginning to the end, Mourinho did not change his tactics for any player. In the future Inter Milan, Quaresma did not adapt to Mourinho's tactics that require players to pay attention to defense. He also found that the style of Serie A did not suit him. Except for occasional starting opportunities, his outside instep skills did not contribute to the game at all, and he was even publicly criticized by Mourinho. Resma.

How did Quaresma recall his Inter Milan days later?

"I was not happy and I felt my confidence was gone. I never had a chance to prove myself, I was dropped by Jose Mourinho and I cried every morning before training."

If you have such a mentality, you probably won't become a great player, which may be the reason why Quaresma failed in the end.

After not being favored by Mourinho, he went to another giant Chelsea in the winter of 2009. He was introduced by the former Portuguese national team coach Scolari.

As a result, the coach who valued Quaresma in the national team from 2006 to 2008 was fired shortly afterwards, and Quaresma was once again reduced to a marginal player.

Perhaps because of the slight difference in opportunity, and the trend of personality, when Ronaldo won the 2008 Ballon d'Or, Quaresma won the Golden Tapir Award, an "award" voted as the worst acquisition in Serie A.

In the Treble-winning season, Quaresma averaged 35 minutes per appearance, and at the age of 27, he can no longer say that he is infinitely talented. As a result, when Mourinho left, Inter Milan also gave up on him.

Later in Turkey, Quaresma, like in Porto, became the favorite of Besiktas. He continued to show off his footwork and play with the opponent's defense, and he seemed to come alive back then.

Quaresma struggled to reclaim his name.

Besiktas bought a lot of Portuguese players, Fernandez, Simao, Almeida, and the coach is also Portugal's Carvajal.

Quaresma was named captain, performed well in Europe and was re-selected for the national team, and everything was good. Until March 2012, when facing Atletico Madrid in the Europa League, Quaresma was replaced at halftime, and then scolded the coach, and was suspended by the team. Once again, his personality and bad relationship with the coach affected the game, and this indirectly made him not play even if he was selected for the 2012 European Cup.

Later, due to Besiktas' financial difficulties, Quaresma did not play the game after the negotiation with the team broke down. He was terminated at the end of the year and went to the UAE. Quaresma's career seems to have come to an end.

In 2014, after being unemployed for half a year, he finally returned to Porto, the highlight of his career. The coach and teammates were different. Only the fans still loved him. Ten thousand people came to the training ground to welcome him back.

The reason why he chose to come back is because Quaresma is still eager for the World Cup in Brazil.

No one knows what will happen next, even Degan, he completed the crossing before the start of the World Cup in Brazil, and became Digan living in Italy in 2004.

No one knows what happened to Quaresma later, just as no one would have thought that Quaresma and Jin Maoluo would take such different paths ten years ago.

Looking back on Quaresma's football career so far, people can't help but sigh that this is another football agate produced in Portugal, and so on, it is an agate that has not yet bloomed.

Born in 1983, Quaresma began to accept the invitation of the Sporting Lisbon youth training camp at the age of 8. In 2001, at the age of 18, he entered the first team of Sporting Lisbon and served as half of the main force. As a gypsy, Quaresma has a free and easy wildness in his style of play. Passing shots from the outside of his feet is his unique skill and trademark, and the nickname "Wild Horse" comes from this. At that time, Quaresma and Golden Retriever were called Lisbon's double pride, and compared to the immature Golden Retriever at that time, Quaresma was more favored by the team and soon became a core player.

However, Quaresma's unruly personality also brought him a lot of trouble. When he was still in the Lisbon youth team, the team coach told him not to play with the outside of the instep, but he refused to listen, and was ignored by the coach for a while. After "returning from the ban", people discovered that the kid still always kicked the ball with the outside of his instep.

Anyone who has watched Quaresma play football cannot deny his aura and talent, but like many players, the biggest obstacle preventing him from becoming a world-class superstar is nothing else but himself.

Quaresma's demeanor, clothing, accessories and even the tattoos on his arms are hardly reminiscent of the word "decent". Instead, people will think that if he hadn't become famous for playing football, this gentleman would most likely be a An ordinary gangster on the streets of Lisbon.

It seems that because of the gypsy blood in his body, the young Quaresma is a self-advocate everywhere, who likes to follow one's inclinations rather than follow the rules, and prefers to be unconventional rather than step-by-step. In interpersonal relationships and style of play.

On the court, Quaresma is typically full of creativity, but as a player who is out of the team, his weird outside instep pass occasionally flashes, which is enough to influence the outcome of the game, but most of the time, he never returns. The "three no players" who defend, never fill up, and never counter-rob.

He is almost useless when the team is passive or behind the score. His assertive style of play will always make him booed by fans or be replaced early.

In addition, Quaresma's psychological quality is not worthy of his skills and fame. He also became famous at a young age, and Ronaldo also has a rebellious side, but he met Sir Alex Ferguson, his mentor in his career and even in the world at Manchester United. Ronaldo has basically been able to provoke the mainstay of the national team and the club. But Quaresma can't do it. He has been playing football in China for a long time, in a relatively closed environment, and the stars are holding the moon, which will make him feel like he is the king of the world. The state of a frog in a well makes it difficult for him to calmly face difficulties and blows.

Quaresma is a player who is difficult to be favored by any coach who emphasizes overall combat. Looking around Europe, it is also difficult to find any giant club that has the courage to sacrifice the interests of the team in the competition of the top league to look forward to this "Mustang" " burst out instantly.

Why can he play well in Porto?

In the final analysis, one sentence: because the coach will pamper him like a child.

Watching Quaresma play football is really pleasing to the eye. Some of the moves he made on the court even made Digan feel ashamed, but football is not simply good-looking, football pays attention to practicality.

Under Ferguson's guidance, Jin Maoluo gave up the fancy, so he succeeded. Quaresma, who was favored by the head coach, brought the fancy to the extreme, so he could only accept the fate of failure.

Quaresma is a star on the football field, but he will never be the last laugh.

So much so that in China in Digan's previous life, Chinese netizens with bad tastes gave him a very vivid title of Kuare Dead Cow!

Although I know that Quaresma will be an injured Zhongyong in the future, but now in the Portuguese Super League, he is still very good, so in this game, Antiiennis also arranged for special personnel to mark him.

Before the game, Degan also explained to Van Buyten and others that he had to be tough on Quaresma and try to irritate him. At this mental age, a genius who has never reached the mature standard is Belgium's No. 1 player in this game. A breakthrough.

Quaresma is just like Pauletta, feeling very tired, really tired. Although he broke through very well, the Belgian defensive player, in a one-on-one situation, could not guard him at all, but soon he You will be trapped and lose the ball in the end.

Scolari yelled on the sidelines to let him pass the ball, but Quaresma always insisted that he could decide the outcome of the game by himself, but the final result disappointed him.

Although Portugal's offense is playing well, there are not many opportunities to threaten the goal of the Belgian team.

Francois was terrified at the beginning, but gradually when he found that the Portuguese geniuses could not threaten their goal, he was relieved: "The game seems to be out of our control, the Portuguese are just You're wasting energy!"

Antiiennis's face was as stern as ever: "No! Old man, it's too early to say this. Before there is no goal, there is no winner in this game!"