Chapter 103 Breaking the Deadlock

Chapter 103 Breaking the Deadlock

Deco, who has always been very steady in his style of play, actually made a serious mistake at the end of the first half. He passed the ball to Harvey, seemingly carelessly, but was cut off by Marchena.

At this moment, most of Barcelona's players have overwhelmed the half court, leaving only one Puyol and one Edmilson defending.

And Florence has Digan as a big killer in the frontcourt!

Prandelli yelled, and Marchena, who hadn't stood up, almost fell to the ground in fright, and almost subconsciously kicked the ball with his legs.

"Fiorentina's chance to counterattack, Marchena passed the ball, Degan! Degan got the ball, and there is a big vacuum in front of him, opportunity! Fiorentina's chance!" Far away in the studio in Florence, Italy, the commentator was excited roared.

After receiving an unconventional pass from Marchena, Degan poked the ball forward, put his foot in sixth gear, and rushed out. His speed was so fast that Barcelona's returning players couldn't even pull back. Being so close to him, he could only watch in vain as he got closer and closer to his restricted area.

"Stop him! Stop him quickly!" Rijkaard, who has always been elegant and has the nickname of the Black Swan, is also anxious now, and the curls all over his head are almost scalded automatically.

Puyol yelled and asked Edmilson to go up, and he himself quickly returned to the penalty area, ready to block the second point. Edmilson, as a Brazilian player, moves very fast at his feet, but no matter how fast he It's not as fast as Degan. When Degan dribbles the ball, not only is his speed fast, but the frequency of footstep changes is also dazzling.

"God! Ronaldinho's famous stunt!"

In the process of dribbling the ball at a high altitude, facing Edmilson's defense, Degan actually made an amazing tail-flicking action. This action could only be completed in a static situation. Ronaldinho Although it can be done in motion, the speed can't be too fast, but Digan actually finished it in the process of hitting at full speed at this moment, what else can it be other than amazing?

Ronaldinho, who was sitting in the stands, couldn't help being moved. The former World Footballer asked himself, even he couldn't complete such an action while dribbling the ball at high speed.

Thinking of this, Ronaldinho felt depressed for no reason. He looked at the flustered Rijkaard. He didn't feel the slightest bit of schadenfreude, but felt that his time had passed.

Although he is not yet thirty years old, his career is still very long, but the long-term indulgence, rich nightlife, alcohol, and women have made him no longer the one who shocked the world in the 2002 Korea-Japan World Cup.

A flick of the ox's tail caught Edmilson off guard, his feet were messed up, and he sat on the ground directly. He wanted to reach out and grab Digan. Although this would probably cause him a red card, he knew better. It would be really dangerous if Degan was allowed to move forward.

But will Digan give him this chance?

Almost as soon as Edmilson stretched out his hand, Digan reacted, jumped and flew directly over Edmilson's body.

Beyond that there is only one Puyol.

Seeing Digan's menacing approach, Valdes, who had already rushed halfway, also retreated. At this moment, in the stands of Camp Nou, all the Barcelona fans' hearts were raised in their throats. From the beginning of the game, They had been cheering for the home team all the time, and they, who had never been quiet for a moment, lost their voices collectively at this moment.

It is no longer possible to go back further, and then there is the penalty area. Once Degan enters the penalty area, he has a hundred ways to send the ball into Barcelona's goal. Puyol cannot take this risk.

When Digan approached, Puyol suddenly stepped forward, leaned on Digan, and wanted to push Digan out, but Puyol was no match for Digan's arm. Basically, there was no movement, it was completely reactionary, Puyol swayed and almost fell, and when he stabilized the center, he tried to chase, but he couldn't catch up.

Then it was time for the Fiorentina fans to cheer.

After throwing off Puyol, Degan beat Valdez with a push shot, and the ball passed through Valdez's chest and rolled into the net.

After the goal, Degan seemed very calm, but ran towards the midfield with his arms raised high. Mutu rushed over from one side, jumped on Degan's back, and waved his fist vigorously. Other teammates also surrounded him. Come up and surround Digan.

"Deegan! Deegan scored a goal! Fiorentina seized a chance to counterattack and scored. Now they are leading 1-0 at Camp Nou at Barcelona's home court!"

Not only the Fiorentina media, but the entire Italian media are excited at this moment, especially when the old strong teams such as the Milan duo are showing weak performances. Italian football needs a hero. Roma has already defeated Real Madrid in an away game. Now it's Florence's turn.

If they can defeat the La Liga duo separately, at least these media will not be too embarrassed when facing their European counterparts.

Seeing Degan score, Prandelli breathed a sigh of relief. Although the team's defense was very successful before, if they couldn't score, there was no way to win the final victory. Now it's all right, Fiorentina is leading, and Still an away goal.

Rijkaard couldn't hide his disappointment. Before Degan's goal, he was still thinking that as long as his team could score first, the game would be won. Who knew that before the end of the first half, Germany A mistake by Coe ruined the team's future.

Deco, who made a mistake, also looked frustrated. He was really careless in the pass just now, but Marchena's sudden steal was beyond his expectations. He had never seen such a fierce tackle before. Marchena almost It was throwing the body out, blocking his passing route.

The offensive situation cannot be opened, but the opponent seized the opportunity to score a goal defensively. Barcelona is really going to face difficulties now.

Not long after the game restarted, the referee blew the whistle for the end of the first half. Rijkaard walked into the safe passage with his head down, thinking about what to do in the second half.