Chapter 159 King of the World (Part 2)

Chapter 159 King of the World (Part 2)

When the second half of overtime was played, many fans believed that the World Cup champion would be won through a penalty shootout. However, at the last moment of the game, Degan sent the ball steadily to the Entering the gate of the Dutch team, the latest lore in the history of the World Cup made Degan a well-deserved hero of Belgium.

Despite a tough opponent and a plethora of referee errors, the Belgian won the title in a tough game that lasted until a goal from Degan sealed the victory in the final four minutes.

The world champion, I believe that no one will raise objections anymore, in the national team, European Cup, Intercontinental Cup, World Cup, in clubs, Champions League champions, league champions, domestic cup champions, Club World Cup champions, Super Cup champions, Di Gan has got everything a professional player can get.

Today, in this world-famous World Cup final, Degan once again played the hero of Belgium. With his outstanding performance and super influence, he stepped into the ranks of legends in one fell swoop. If we say that before the World Cup, Degan His great achievements have made him a superstar, and now, he has become a living legend.

Now in the circle of the media, there is a very popular saying that both the Belgian national team and Fiorentina have a certain degree of Degan dependence.

When Degan was away or was plagued by injuries, the Belgian national team and Fiorentina played more ugly, and once Degan recovered, both the national team and the club also recovered miraculously, saying that this is a pure coincidence , I am afraid no one will believe it.

A player can make the team rely on himself to a certain extent, which shows that the level of this player has indeed reached a high level. Belgium has "Degan's dependence", which proves that Degan's level has been compared with that of the world football team before him. The king's men were evenly matched.

In today's game, when the Belgian midfielder was terribly suppressed and Degan could only fight alone, it was Degan who supported the Belgian team alone.

From a certain point of view, the overtime game was completely Degan's game alone. He was very active in the frontcourt, rushing from left to right, creating a great threat to the Netherlands

, Many opportunities to win free kicks made the Dutch hard to defend. In the end, Degan broke the suffocation tactics that the Dutch almost succeeded with a beautiful shot.

When he first debuted, Degan was just a sharp striker with terrifying scoring efficiency, but after years of training, Degan is now very different from before. He now has a very good sense of position , can drive the team's rhythm, drive teammates to run, and the opponent's defensive players become at a loss as a result.

At the same time, during the game, Degan can also run in a wide range and withdraw from the midfield to take the ball, bringing depth and local personnel advantages to the Belgian team. He can both break through and pass the ball , can score goals directly, otherwise he can charge at the front, and is also good at attacking opponents from the second row, either looking for cooperation, or making a deadly pass, or completing the shot by himself. Such a versatile player is really valuable.

No matter how harsh the experts are now, they all agree that Degan's only problem is that he does not have the exposure of superstars such as Jin Maoluo, Kaka, and Messi. This makes him not have the status of a superstar even though he has the level of a superstar.

But the football club recognizes everything about Degan, the game against the Netherlands, and the last-minute rescue of the team. There will definitely be many media around the world praising him, and he will be included in the ranks of legends from then on.

Because of his personality, Degan is cautious and low-key off the court, but on the court, he will not set any restrictions for himself. As long as he is on the court, he will provide the team with standards and sacrifice, whether in Belgium or in Belgium. Fiorentina and Degan have become more and more irreplaceable. Although the two top teams are full of talents, they can't find another player like Degan who can combine wide vision, exquisite passing, clever breakthrough and unremitting running. Combine players together in one hit.

After the final, the media praised that the Belgian team is like a team from another planet. Their technical level is obviously higher than that of other teams. Digan is one of the most important driving forces of the team. Super players are like engines, they are always deep in the group structure, contributing to the team all the time.

Since the beginning of the World Cup, with the deepening of the knockout rounds, instead of being tired from continuous battles, Digan has entered his peak stage more and more. He continues to play at his high level and provides the team with a great opportunity to advance on all fronts. With the freshest energy.

Now if someone still compares Golden Maulro, Messi, Kaka and Degan, it will undoubtedly be very funny. In terms of personal honor, although Degan does not have the World Footballer, he does not have the Golden Globe Award , but he won all the titles.

Kaka also has a World Cup trophy, but in 2002 it belonged to Ronaldo, not Kaka!

And South Africa in 2010 completely belonged to Degan!

However, when interviewed by reporters, Degan was still unwilling to accept those compliments: "Before you praise me, please praise our team first, our team is unparalleled!"

Incomparable, fabulous, unbelievable!

Even if you use all the fancy words to describe the Belgian team, they won the European Cup in 2008, they have written a brilliant stroke for Belgian football, and now they are the best team in the world because they are world champions .

On the field, Degan is undoubtedly the biggest contributor, and the praise from the Belgian media also made him a big hit. Off the field, Antiiennis, the behind-the-scenes hero, also received countless compliments.

Some media called Antiiennis a "quiet hero". The report said: "Faithful to his habits, faithful to his style, Antiiennis, who was ordered to lead Belgium to sweep the European Cup, will win the World Cup trophy again this time." Brought home Belgium. He made this fantastic team! Supreme, unbelievable, peerless Belgium! He leads the best team in the world! Thank you for a great victory."

The article stated that Antiiennis is the "quiet hero" in the World Cup, because he has never yelled at others, nor has he had any high-spirited talks. When facing reporters, Antiiennis will only say key things In part, he made a small but important contribution to the team skillfully. He led the best generation of Belgian football to the top of the world. Now, Belgium is among the top teams in the world. Ennis, there was no other choice.

You must know that before the start of the World Cup, there were still people who abandoned many heroes of the European Cup because of Antiiennis, and they were quite critical. Some even pointed fingers at Belgium's World Cup squad. Prospects.

But Degan and his team withstood all the pressure and countless voices of doubt. Everyone was silently paying for the team and working hard to achieve this golden Hercules Cup.

Countless passions, countless joys, countless joys, and countless tears of happiness, for this hard-won world champion.

This victory is destined to remain in the annals of history forever, Belgium won the victory, Degan led Belgian football to create history.

Today, Belgium has ended this great adventure in South Africa. Belgium has won. Belgium is the World Cup champion. They have defeated all their opponents and fulfilled the dream of the Belgians. These 23 heroes and all Belgian fans who are chasing their dreams They have achieved great dreams, they have experienced countless hardships, and they have also experienced countless failures, but the eternal belief is to hope that Belgian football can realize their dreams.

Now everyone has forgotten the missed chances in the game, the blood stains left on the jersey after the fierce fight, and the incomprehensible whistle of the referee during the game. None of this is important , as if you had to pay a toll to pass through heaven before, and now Belgium has reached the end.

When Degan raised the Hercules Cup, countless generations of Belgian players who had dedicated everything to the World Cup dream seemed to stick to him and fight side by side with them on the court.

One could only shout one word at that moment: "Belgium! Champions!"

Now all Belgium has to do is to enjoy this victory to the fullest, and to be intoxicated in the dream of being a world champion. Some people can die in peace after this game, because they saw Belgium become the world champion. This generation has been working hard The dream to pursue, Belgium to be the world champion, all this will be unforgettable.

Degan's goal in the second half of extra time gave Belgian football the most just result and fulfilled the long-cherished wish of generations of players.

It was a tough and scary game, from start to finish, because Belgium couldn't play at a good level in the game, the horror was the change of the Dutch team, the horror was the Dutch team's counterattack, and there were countless rough fouls, Almost disrupted the Belgian team's position, but they did not stop attacking, they did not stop running, they did not stop working hard, they did not give up their dreams, they still insisted on their unique football concept, and finally won the victory.

The Belgian team has made great achievements by winning the European Cup and the World Cup in two years. It has achieved a height that Belgium could not achieve in the past few decades. This is the real golden generation of football.

Today, European football is going through a very important transition period and player replacement period. Powerful teams such as Italy, France, and England are all facing a large-scale change of blood, but the Belgian team does not need it because this team has a young lineup and stable players. With the structure and consistent style, in the future, the team only needs to make minor repairs.

Some media said after the game that the Belgian team relied on a very perfect lineup to win the World Cup. This team has experienced veterans like Van Buyten and Simmons, as well as Fellaini and Kompany. Such Mesozoic players who can serve as the backbone, as well as energetic young people like Hazard, De Bruyne, and Lukaku, and even young superstars like Degan.

Among the 23 people who won the World Cup, many of them participated in the European Cup two years ago. That is to say, the team replacement ratio is very small. The team has injected fresh blood such as Hazard, De Bruyne, and Lukaku.

Speaking of which, even players of Degan's age are veterans in the Belgian team. This generation of Belgian players is completely different from the previous Belgian players in terms of temperament and football.

This is a generation of players who want to control the ball, control the situation, and control the trophy. In the words of head coach Antiiennis, the previous Belgium only came to the World Cup once, but now the Belgian team has only One goal, that is to win the championship.

Now, under the leadership of Degan, Belgium has won the world championship, and the European Red Devils have achieved the greatest victory in the decades-long history of Belgian football. There is no doubt that Belgium's golden generation is a generation with trophy luck.

Two years ago, after winning the European Cup, reporters asked the head coach of the Belgian team, Antiiennis, why the Belgian senior team suddenly had a breakthrough. Antiiennis replied: "It is because Belgium has a golden generation." , This generation of players is used to winning championships, and their self-confidence is extremely strong. In the future, they will bring more championships to Belgian football."

In the current Belgian team roster, only Van Buyten and Simeone can be called post-70s, and there is absolutely no problem for them to play for another two years. It can be said that the Belgian team still does not need a large area for the 2014 World Cup. A change of blood, and in the past four years, Belgian football talents will continue to emerge like a blowout. It can be said that with the current lineup as the team, Belgian football will have no problem dominating the football world for ten years. In terms of style stability, the glory of the European Red Devils will last longer than Zidane's French team.

Some people are happy, but others are naturally disappointed. A final that saddened 6 million Dutch nationals and countless supporters of the Dutch team. The cold fact of three world runner-ups is enough to make the Dutch team the saddest uncrowned king in 40 years.

Robben, the head star of the Dutch team, is a decisive player who only played five games. He could have had two chances to make the final decision. He could have competed with Degan for the Golden Globe Award, and even made a bold move. It is speculated that if Robben scored the winning goal, the World Footballer may also be in his pocket.

Although it is not very interesting to make some conclusions after the game, I believe that 100% of the fans agree that Robben is the Dutch player who played the best in this field. The offense basically has to be transferred to Robben.

Robben, who is in perfect physical condition today, also bravely assumed the role of the team's only attacker. The bravery of a man may be described as a negative effect on many occasions, but for today's Dutch team, it is the strongest guarantee for scoring.

Perhaps it was God's intention to make the Dutch team sad to the end. All the energy in Robben's two singles has exploded, and all his homework has been done.

In the 63rd minute, he made a single-handed breakthrough against the Belgian goalkeeper Courtois. He hit a dead corner, but the young Courtois blocked the ball with his long legs.

In the 83rd minute single-handedly, Robben kicked the enemy camp alone, and Kompany intercepted behind him. In fact, Robben had enough reasons to fall down and try to cheat a penalty kick. Ronaldo in the Barcelona period, even if his clothes were ripped to suffocate, he still struggled to slam in, but the reality is not a Hollywood movie. The sacrifice of life and death did not achieve the ultimate blow of a king-level player. The roaring Robben , In addition to the yellow card, nothing.

Throughout the game, every time Robben took the ball, the Belgian defenders broke into a cold sweat. It was the seventh match of the World Cup that the Belgian defenders really faced an opponent who could make them restless. Instinct played a full house, but did not score the most substantial goals.

In this World Cup, Arjen Robben, who took two games off before starting to be imposing, may have the best chance to make himself a world-class star.

In 1998, Zidane, although he won a lot of honors that year, the title of French Footballer is no longer on the table. From the World Footballer to the European Ballon d'Or, Zi Zuyi won it all.

But in fact, in the 1998 World Cup, Zidane's overall performance was mediocre, and he even received a red card against Saudi Arabia. The root of his honor was obviously his two key headers in the final, and his standard World War I fame.

And today's Robben, as long as he can score a game-determining single, there is no doubt that he will be more successful than Zidane in 1998. Unfortunately, this great night of glory will not have Robben's share in the end.

Robben, who was interviewed in the mixed zone after the game, couldn't hide his disappointment, and tears covered Peter Pan's face: "It's all too bad, I could have ended the game, but I~~~~~ I want to say sorry to all the Dutch fans, I screwed up, yes! I screwed up! I was hoping for the best, but the truth is, I didn't do anything for this game today! It's all too bad I have to find a place to calm myself now, the World Cup in South Africa is over, next time, I think I will go to the end!"

next time! Brazil World Cup?

Four years later, Robben should still have the opportunity to play for the Dutch team, but the question is whether he, who will be 30 years old by then, can use his wind-like speed and his right wing with a high success rate like today. Assault suddenly cut in from the left, to create surprises for the Dutch team again and again?

No one knows.

Robben missed a good opportunity to make a final decision for the Dutch team, and then Degan completed the task he did not complete, but stabbed into Robben's heart, causing the Dutch team to bleed all over the floor.

However, even Degan fully affirmed Robben's performance: "He is the Dutchman who threatened us the most on the court today. His performance today was perfect. Don't worry about those two single-handed goals. In a fierce World Cup final, the pressure is unimaginable. The same opportunity, even if it is given to me, I am not 100% sure to score the ball, so don't blame him. He has done enough. His performance Praiseworthy!"

After a game, Degan specially applauded a player of the opponent. Such a situation is rare. Since Degan's debut, only a few people have enjoyed such treatment.

However, Robben's performance today is completely worthy of it!

In the locker room of the Belgian team, the celebration was still going on. Degan, who was pulled back by Fellaini and others, immediately fell into a crazy celebration with everyone.

Suddenly, I don't know who was the first to cry, and then there was a burst of crying, everyone lowered their heads, holding their gold medals in pain.

How many times can a player win this honor in his life!

At this moment, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Kaka turned off the TV, turned and went upstairs, shut himself in the room, and fell directly on the bed. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and found a box from the closet. After opening , which is the World Cup gold medal he won in 2002.

But compared with the gold medal Degan won today, his gold medal is a bit ridiculous. In that World Cup, he didn't make any effort at all. He just followed Ronaldo, Rivaldo, Ronaldinho and others. After Shining's name, there was a cutscene.

That World Cup didn't belong to him either!

At this time, the door was pushed open, and it was Caroline, his wife, who walked in!

"Honey! At this time, you should call Rhodes and congratulate him instead of locking yourself in the room alone. If Rhodes finds out, he will be sad!"

Kaka was stunned for a moment, and then smiled bitterly. Of course he knew, but he still felt uncomfortable, not because of jealousy, but because Brazil was eliminated prematurely, and he was sad.

Caroline looked at her husband, walked up to him, lay on the bed, and hugged Kaka: "Honey! I shouldn't say that, I know your heart is very sad, but aren't you proud of Rhodes?" ?"

"Of course, Rhodes is my younger brother, and I am very proud of every honor he has achieved! But I still very much hope that it is me, Caroline, who stands in that position! I have this idea, don't I Bad, bad!"

Caroline smiled: "No! I don't think so. In fact, I am very willing to see you two brothers fighting for an honor on the court, my dear! It is Rhodes who won this time. He is proud and happy for him, I think Rhodes felt the same when you won the championship in 2002!"

Kaka thought about it, got up and took out her phone, edited a text message, and sent it!

The celebration was over, and Digan, who was about to leave, heard the ringtone and pulled out his phone: Rhodes! I am proud of you!

Digan couldn't help laughing as he watched it!